In this section:
Import code duplicate analysis findings into the Findings view to begin investigating duplicate code in your IDE (see Importing Findings).
Right-click on a finding to open a contextual menu of options.
Right-click on a finding to open a contextual menu of options.
You can perform the following actions:
Choose Show Documentation for [rule] to open the rule that triggered the violation.
Choose Generate Suggested Fix for [rule] to generate an AI-suggested solution for the finding (see Generating a Suggested Fix).
You can navigate through the instances of duplicate code associated with the finding from the Finding Details view.
The top node represents the first appearance of the duplicate code. Consecutive occurrences of the code are listed in order of appearance as children. You can perform the following actions:
When you open the source code from the Findings or Finding Details view, the specific line of code that triggered the finding is highlighted.
There are several options for suppressing findings from duplicate code analysis.
Right-click on a finding in the Findings view and choose Suppress... to open the suppression options.
You can also suppress a specific instance of duplicate code by right-clicking on a child node in the Finding Details view and choosing Suppress....