
Running analysis with dotTEST is based on a test configuration that defines a test scenario and sets all related test parameters. dotTEST ships with built-in test configurations that are based on a variety of popular test scenarios. You can also create a custom test configuration to comply with the policies and priorities or your organization or team. See Working with Test Configurations for details.

The scenario defined in the test configuration is executed by the dotTEST engine, which must be enabled and configured in Preferences prior to analysis. See Enabling and Configuring the Engine.

dotTEST requires source code to be compiled before it is analyzed. When you run a test configuration, dotTEST attempts to build solutions and projects in the analysis scope using the native Visual Studio build mechanism. Projects outside the analysis scope are temporarily disabled and are not built. Before the build process starts, all open source files are automatically saved.

Running Analysis

  1. Select a file, project, or directory of files that you want to analyze.
  2. Run a test configuration:
    - To run the active configuration, choose Parasoft> Run "[name of active test configuration]" or click the Run "[name of active test configuration]" toolbar button.
    - To run a favorite configuration or a recently run configuration, choose Parasoft> Favorites and Run History> "[name of test configuration]".
    Your IDE will show the progress bar, and the console panel will display information about the analysis; see Customizing Console Verbosity for details on configuring the level of detail reported.

  3. Choose Parasoft> Show View> Findings to view static analysis results; see Viewing Findings.
  4. You can also enable the Generate reports option and click OK when the analysis completes to view a report configured according to your settings; see Generating Reports.