Connecting to DTP allows you to:
1 Reporting local analysis results to DTP requires configuring the DTP reporting settings in the .properties file; see Sending Results and Publishing Source Code to DTP.
See About the Parasoft Development Testing Workflow for additional information.
To connect to a DTP Server:
In your IDE, click Parasoft in the menu bar and choose Options.
Check Enable and enter the DTP Server Base URL and authentication information.
If DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, the URL should include a context path (a relative path from the host name). This may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy. For example: Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration.
You can click Test Connection to verify the settings.
DTP Server will automatically configure your license (see step 2).
DTP ships with support for OpenID Connect user authentication (see the DTP User Guide for details). If OpenID Connect is enabled for your DTP server, you must configure dotTEST to authenticate users via OpenID Connect.
In your IDE, click Parasoft in the menu bar and choose Options.
The Status panel displays the current OpenID Connect authentication status.
In addition to providing licensing and shared assets for testing and analyzing your software under development, Parasoft DTP collects and merges data points from Parasoft tools, third-party analysis tools, and external systems, such as bug tracking and requirements tracking systems. It aggregates and prioritizes data, as well as performs additional analysis to help you optimize development processes. Using your code analysis and test execution tool with DTP enables you to consistently apply quality practices across teams and throughout the SDLC. The following illustration shows the general workflow. Integrating Parasoft Tools with the BuildParasoft tools ship with plugins for integration with your build tools (i.e., Maven, Ant, Gradle, MS Build, make, etc.). These integrations allow you to analyze code and send data to DTP automatically as part of the automated build processes and continuous integration (CI). Capturing ObservationsWhen the analysis tool is running, it captures massive amounts of detailed data associated with the code referred to as “observations.” Observations are code quality data, such as static analysis violations, unit test failures, metrics, etc., as well as logistical information about the code, such as authorship, scope, and source control location. Converting Data into FindingsWhen observations are sent to DTP, they are converted into “findings” and stored in the database. Findings are observations that have been analyzed, normalized, and aggregated into actionable data. Importing DTP Findings to the DesktopYou can import priorities and filtered findings from DTP directly into your IDE so that issues can be addressed. Continuing the CycleWhen you check code back into source control, the continuous integration process picks up the change, and the workflow is repeated. This ensures that defects are detected and prevented from becoming software bugs later in the development process when the costs of remediation are much higher. |