This topic explains how to configure an automated nightly testing process.
To automate the nightly testing process:

  1. In the GUI, define the Parasoft Test preferences that you want applied across multiple test scenarios.
  2. Define the command line arguments needed to achieve your objectives. You can use settings to override the GUI preferences, if needed.
  3. Develop a script or batch file to invoke your command line interface commands and perform any additional operations you want automated.
  4. Use a scheduling utility (such as cron or the Windows scheduling program) to run the test at a specified time each night.

The Parasoft Test plugins for Maven and Ant allow you to integrate Parasoft Test actions into your automated build process, facilitating continuous integration and testing. These plugins can invoke any test or analysis action that your Parasoft Test product is licensed to perform (for example, static analysis, unit test generation, unit test execution, functional testing, peer code review scans, and so on). They can also execute the Parasoft Build Monitor, which analyzes your build and sends Parasoft Concerto data regarding build warnings, errors, and the number of files successfully compiled.

For details, see