Once a suitable guideline for .tst file layout is established for your team, it is critical to establish a method for sharing the test assets across the team in order to enable collaboration. 

Shared Directories and Network Drives

Some users choose to store their test files on shared directories or network-mounted drives. This is an easy route that may work for some users, especially those who share other test assets in this manner. However, Parasoft strongly recommends the use of a repository, which is better suited for multiple users working on the same files. 

Problems with using shared directories or network drives include:

Source Control Systems

Parasoft strongly recommends the use of a source control system to maintain the test files and keep them in sync for all users. A source control system alleviates the problems listed above. 

SOAtest can plug into and work with almost any popular source control system in the market. Sharing test files with a source control system from SOAtest is easy. Once the Eclipse plugin of the associated vendor is installed in SOAtest, you can right-click a file, folder, or the entire project, then choose to share it by uploading it to the repository, commit changes, or download other users’ file updates. The system will protect against collisions and enable effective collaboration.