You can preconfigure the Parasoft Test component during installation. Parasoft Test is a framework shipped with Parasoft products that enables many common functionalities, such as code analysis and test execution.

  1. Create a settings file that includes the options you want to preconfigure the installation with. See Settings for details on available options.
  2. Pass that settings file to the installer using the /configure or --configure parameter.
    For example:

The settings file will be copied into the root directory of Parasoft Test as parasofttest.ini. Settings from that file are used to initialize a clean workspace during startup.

You can also configure licensing upon command line startup using -settings. For details, see Licensing.

If you want to apply settings to an existing workspace, you need to add an additional property to the settings file: enforce.configure=true. This overrides existing settings during the first startup after the installation/reinstallation.

Windows Options

Run installer in silent mode. The wizard and the background window are not displayed.
/DIR=<location>Destination location for installed product's files.
/Configure=<settings file>Pre-configure product during installation step.

See for additional options and help.

UNIX Options (for Linux, or Mac)

--non-interactiveRun the installer in non-interactive mode.
--install-dir <location>Destination location for installed product's files.
--configure <settings file>Pre-configure product during installation step.
--helpPrints the available command line options.


parasoft_soatest_<version_arch>.exe /SILENT /DIR=<soatest dir> /configure=<settings file>
parasoft_soatest_<version> --non-interactive --install-dir <soatest dir> --configure=<settings file>

Sample Settings File

Here is a sample settings file that configures License.
