This topic explains how to set licensing information from the GUI. It covers:

You can also specify licensing via localsettings (e.g. for sharing team-wide settings via DTP or specifying options at the command line). See Configuring Localsettings for details.
Using a DTP License
To install a license when Development Testing Platform manages Parasoft licensing across your team or organization:
- (Recommended for DTP admins) Verify that the product and version you are licensing appears in the DTP License Server. If not, update the tools database as described in the DTP Admin Guide.
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog.
- Select the License category in the left pane.
- If the appropriate server is not already set (from the auto-configuration process described in C++test Configuration Overview, specify the server’s host (either a name or an IP address) and port.
- If you have multiple Parasoft products installed, open the tab for the Parasoft product you want to license (e.g., Jtest, SOAtest).
- Select the EnableLicense option.
- Select the Network option.
- Indicate the license type that you want this product to use by selecting the appropriate option in the Edition box.
- If you want to use the product for a short period of time when you will not have access to DTP (e.g., because you expect to be working from home, you will be travelling, your team will be upgrading the machine hosting DTP, etc.), check borrow and specify how long you need to "borrow" the license.
- When you borrow a license, one of the available licenses (on the DTP) is locked to your machine for the specified amount of time. You can then disconnect from the network and use the product without accessing DTP.
- Licenses can be borrowed from 1 hour to 14 days.
- License borrowing requires PST 2.6 or higher or DTP.
- Click OK to set and save your settings.
If you want to deactivate a license, choose Parasoft> Deactivate License. To reactivate it, choose Parasoft> Activate License. If you want to have a license automatically deactivated after 30 minutes of inactivity, enable the Start deactivated, release automatically when idle option. To change this behavior, disable this option. When the license is deactivated: - The C++test views are disabled and results are cleared from the Quality Tasks view.
- The product’s license is released on DTP.
When the license is reactivated: - All of the licensed C++test views are restored and the Quality Tasks view will display available results.
Note that: - Using Parasoft / Activate License will acquire a license for all installed Parasoft Test products
- It is not necessary to use Parasoft / Activate License. When the Parasoft Test product is run, it will acquire a license for only that specific product. The Start Deactivated option is enabled and cannot be disabled in this situation.
If you want the product to wait for a license if the requested license is not currently available, use the localsettings option <tool_prefix>.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes] . For example to make Jtest wait 3 minutes for license tokens, use jtest.wait.for.tokens.time=3 For details on the command line mode and localsettings options, see Configuring Localsettings as well as Testing from the Command Line Interface. |
Using a Machine-Locked License
To install a machine-locked license:
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog.
- Select the License category in the left pane.
- If you have multiple Parasoft products installed, open the tab for the Parasoft product you want to license (e.g., Jtest, SOAtest).
- Select the Local option.
- Contact your Parasoft representative to receive your license. You will need to provide the Machine ID listed in this panel.
- In the United States, call 1-888-305-0041. In other locations, use the contact information available at Contacting Parasoft Technical Support.
- If you don’t yet have a valid license set and you want to obtain the Machine ID without opening the GUI, run the command line invocation (e.g.,
or soatestcli
) from the command line. The Machine ID will be reported in the output message (for example, Error: No valid license (MachineId: WIN32-12345678)
- Enter your license password.
- Click Apply. The License preferences page will display the features that you are licensed to use, and the expiration date for your license.
- Click OK to set and save your license.
Manually Adding the License to localsetttings
To add or change license settings via localsettings:
If you will be using a custom edition license, define the appropriate license features in the localsettings as follows:
[product].license.custom_edition_features= All enabled features |
Note that license feature settings apply only to custom edition licenses.
Define the main license settings in the localsettings as follows:
[product] Type of license edition
[product].license.use_network= Value (true or false) Host name Port number |
See Configuring Localsettings details on localsettings and a list of all license-related options.
Here are several examples of properly-configured License settings in localsettings file:
C/C++test network license - desktop edition
C/C++test local license - custom edition with various features
cpptest.license.local.password=PARASOFT_353E2A7DA4F3D4B2FF142B0A262AF62B9DEC3449C 124773BAF0B4B508FF21139E867D9772F3702716FCE6D8EA16ACE668DE0EE629D15471359920 3BD85CE1213_7937E7ED374E70FDD62EE8411C2BB2D8EB465019E64BF3EF3A87DE6B67FB10 BBCAF8611B08F70D9420AC574FC5B3E5EB7241B20506DE2C60B0D80462CBEDBD
Note that with local licenses, the enabled features are specified via the generated password.
Manually Adding the License without Using localsetttings
If you do not want to specify the license with a localsettings file, you can configure it with a parasofttest.ini file as follows:
- In the Parasoft Test installation (e.g., c:\Program Files\Parasoft\Test\<version>), create a parasofttest.ini file.
Edit the parasofttest.ini file to provide licensing details. Use the following format:
enforce.configure=true |
The license settings specified here will be read upon startup when the product is launched in UI mode.