Virtualize can be used to virtualize services that are built with .NET WCF technology as long as the services utilize one of the supported configurations that are built to use the standard HTTP/HTTPS and message types. Thus, Virtualize supports full emulation of WCF services configured with BasicHttpBinding.

Services configured with WSHttpBinding and ws2007HttpBinding can be virtualized fully or partially, depending on the service configuration.

Partial emulation is possible if unsupported configurations can be disabled. With partial emulation, it is often possible to create virtual assets that emulate the business content of the response messages based on incoming request messages, but not necessarily all the transaction, reliability, or security aspects of the service. In these bindings, virtualizing services with reliableSession and transactionFlow enabled is not supported. This is because WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Transaction flows cannot be automatically emulated with Virtualize unless you customize the message exchange with multiple responders and scripts.

Partial service emulation is also possible, depending on the security configuration. Security mechanisms that are not supported by Virtualize will not be emulated. Virtualize will not replicate the authentication, authorization, or privacy policies that are associated with the original service. It might be possible to handle some or all of the unsupported WCF binding configuration with a custom extension (see Using Custom Transports, Message Formats, and Tools for details).

The following bindings are supported only via custom extensions: