This topic explains how you run a load test that involves multiple machines. In this section:

Understanding the Purpose and General Procedure

Load Test allows you to run tests on remote machines so that you can generate extremely large loads and run tests from different hosts on a network.

You need to perform three main steps before you can run tests on a remote machine:

After you have performed all these steps, Load Test will run tests on the remote machine whenever it executes a load test scenario that is configured to involve that machine.

Adding and Configuring Remote Machines

There are a number of ways to add remote machines, as well as options for configuring them.

Adding Machines Manually

To add a remote machine from manually, complete the following:

  1. Right-click the Machines folder and choose New Machine. A New Machine node appears in the Machines folder.
  2. To change the name of the new machine, enter it in the right GUI panel’s Host field.
  3. To change the port of the new machine, enter it in the right GUI panel’s Port field.
  4. To configure a machine to run in high throughput mode, enable High Throughput Mode within the machine configuration panel. For details on high throughput mode, see Using High Throughput Mode.

Adding Machines from the Machines List

To add a remote machine from the Machines List, complete the following:

  1. Click the Machines folder on the Load Tests tab. A list of available machines is shown on the Machines List tab in the Project Configuration panel. If no machines are shown, this means no Load Test Windows Services were found on your network.
  2. Select the machines you wish to add and click Add.
  3. To refresh the list of available machines, click Refresh.

Adding Machines in the Advanced View

To add a remote machine from in the Advanced View, complete the following:

  1. Click the Machines folder on the Load Tests tab. The Machines List and Advanced View tabs are shown in the Project Configuration panel.
  2. Click the Advanced View tab.
  3. Right-click a remote machine row and choose Add to Machine List. The selected machine must be running in order to add it to the Machine List.

    A new machine node with selected machine's host name appears in the Machines node of the Load Tests tree.

The local host is the default machine listed in the Load Test tab’s Machines branch. If you select the localhost node, you will see that the name is set to localhost and the port is set to zero. These settings are permanent and cannot be changed.

Configuring Options in the Advanced View Tab

The Advanced View tab lists all remote machines on the local network that were installed as a Load Test Windows service. All of these machines can be used to run additional load tests.

If you want to configure a remote machine on the local network to run load tests, that machine’s version of Load Test must match the Load Test version running on your machine.

Even if you did not install Load Test as a Windows service, you will always have access to the Advanced View tab and will always be able to configure the remote machines that are shown in this panel. However, if you did not install Load Test as a Windows service, your machine will not appear in the Advanced View tab and other remote machines will be prevented from configuring your machine.

The following options are available in the Advanced View tab:

To view remote installation details, first click the Check Process State button, then double-click the desired row from the table. The Starter Properties dialog box opens. From this dialog box, you can view the version and build date, the installed applications files, and the port name and port number of the selected installation.

Verifying Remote Machines

You can verify that the remote machines added to the Machines folder of the Load Tests tab are running and can communicate with your machine in one of two ways:

After verifying a remote machine, the status indicator to the left of the remote machine node will change and verification details will be displayed in the Messages window.

Depending on the remote machine’s state, the color to the left of the remote machine node will change according to the following:

Transferring Project External Dependencies to Remote Machines

A SOAtest project that you use in Load Test can have external dependencies in the form of files that are used by the SOAtest tests while they are being executed by the load test’s virtual users. For the SOAtest project tests to function correctly, these external resources need to be available on both the Load Test controller machine and remote machines running load generators. Load Test automates the process of transferring the external dependencies to remote machines.

Synchronization States of the Machines

The process of transferring project dependencies to remote machines is called synchronization. The Load Test Configuration tree reflects the synchronization state of remote machines. The 'back and forth' arrows on the machine state icon indicate the synchronization state of the machine:

If you mouse over a machine node in the Load Test Configuration tree, a tool tip will show the machine availability and synchronization state.

Selecting Resources for Synchronization

You can control which external resources are transferred to the remote machine. To do this:

  1. In the Load Test Configuration tree, click localhost in the Machines folder.
  2. In Machine Dependencies tab of the localhost configuration panel, select the resources you want transferred to the remote machines.

Note that if you select a row in the resource selection tree table, the location of the external dependency on the localhost will be shown in the Resource Path sub panel (under the tree table).

Viewing Synchronization Details of Remote Machines

To view the synchronization state of a specific machine:

To check synchronization of all enabled machines in the configuration:

The remote machine synchronization state is reported in the resource tree table, which is located in the Machine Dependencies tab of the remote machine configuration panel. If you select a row in the tree table, synchronization details will be shown in the Resource State sub panel.

Machines that belong to the local installation (localhost machines running on any port) will always appear as completely synchronized. This is because these Load Test machines belong to the same installation as the localhost machine which acts as a controller.

Manually Synchronizing Remote Machines

To synchronize a specific remote machine:

To synchronize all enabled machines in the configuration:

A separate dialog will show the synchronization progress for the machines selected for synchronization.

Note that:

Automatic Remote Machine Synchronization During the Load Test Startup Procedure

Remote machine synchronization is a part of the machine initialization task, which is performed before the start of each load test. During the synchronization stage, only those resources that are missing or modified will be transferred to the remote machines. The Status of the initialization process and the Details of each of the initialization stages for each machine are reflected in the Task Progress panel of the Load Test Start Up dialog.

Working with SOAtest Project Dependencies

If the SOAtest project you’re using in Load Test leverages a file data source, be sure to enable that data source’s Refresh Dynamically Based on Last Import option if you want the file data source to use all files that are in the import directory at the time the file data source is used. If you do not enable this option, the file data source will only use the files that are listed in the table in the file data source, even if the import directory has additional files.

Enabling or Disabling Remote Machines

To disable/enable an existing machine:

If a machine is disabled, it will not run with the load test until it is enabled again.

Enabling High Throughput Mode

To configure a machine to run in High Throughput Mode:

For details on high throughput mode, see Using High Throughput Mode.

Configuring Scenarios to Run Remote Machines

By default, Load Test will apply the same ratio of profiles and number of virtual users or hit rate to all machines involved in a test. However, you can customize a scenario for different machines by disabling Machine Independent in the scenario settings panel; for details, see Customizing Test Suite Scenarios.

Working with Remote Machines Located on Different Networks

A Load Test controller machine (the one that runs in the GUI mode and from which you control the load test) can use a Load Test server machine located on a different network if the network equipment that bridges these networks allows communication on the port that the Load Test server machine is listening on.

For example, if you run your Load Test controller on network A and your Load Test server is started on port 10095 by a “lt -loadtestserver 10095” command on network B, you need to make sure that the communication on port 10095 between the networks A and B is not restricted by your network equipment.

Talk to your system or network administrator about the network configuration issues. The configuration should allow any TCP traffic exchange for that port. The network equipment that bridges networks A and B can either pass the traffic from one network to the other or it can block it. This network equipment can be configured to pass the TCP traffic associated with a certain port between the networks (that is, "opening the port"). However, this may not be sufficient. Sometimes, communication between networks A and B associated with a certain port can be allowed only for certain network protocols. For instance, communication between A and B may be open on port 80, but only for HTTP protocol traffic. If the Load Test controller and server are on different networks, the network equipment that bridges the two networks should be configured to: 

Running a Distributed Load Test on Machines with Different Locales

Note: This applies only to machines that are using the Japanese or Chinese language in their locale and is related to the Load Test’s support of these languages in appropriate locales.

If your Load Test controller (master) is running on a machine with a Japanese or Chinese locale and you have remote machines in your Load Test configuration, the remote machines must have the same locale as the master machine. This is required to enable Load Test to properly process local resources after they have been transferred to a remote machine and vice versa.

Check the system locale of your remote machines and modify your system settings to match the locale of the Load Test controller. Alternatively, you can launch Load Test with a custom locale using the -J-Duser.language= and -J-Duser.region= command line options. For example, to run Load Test using a Japanese locale use the following command:

On Linux:

./loadtest -J-Duser.language=ja -J-Duser.region=JP -loadtestserver

On Windows:

./lt -J-Duser.language=ja -J-Duser.region=JP -loadtestserver

Running the Test from the GUI

Starting the Load Test Server

The remote machines must be running the Load Test Server whenever you want to execute load tests on these machines.

To start the Load Test Server from the GUI (Windows only):

Running Load Tests

After you have started the test machines in Load Test server mode, you can start your test by clicking Load Test in the client machine’s toolbar.

During the test, each machine will execute the designated number of virtual users and types of user profiles. Load Test will display the loading rate for the client as well as the loading rate for all servers.

All results will be reported on the client. You can determine whether Load Test displays load testing results for all machines or for a selected machine by choosing the appropriate item from the Load Test Result’s Machine box.

Running the Test from the Command Line Interface

See Load Test Command Line Interface - cli .