A provisioning action is a set of actions that execute when you provision a particular component instance. They can be executed on-demand or when a simulated test environment is provisioned in Continuous Testing Platform.

Provisioning actions can be used to automate configurations that are commonly applied in your environments. For example, you might run a script for changing certain environment settings, then update a settings file via FTP. You could use a provisioning action to add or erase data in a Data Repository. Or, if you’re not working with message proxies, you might want to automatically go to an application server’s web admin console and configuring it to point to a virtual asset instead of a real endpoint (or vice versa).

Provisioning actions are defined in the Virtualize desktop. The structure and management of .pvn files and action suites is similar to that of .pva files and Responder suites (respectively); each project can contain multiple .pvn/.pva files, each of those can contain any number of action suites or Responder suites, data sources can be added and used to parameterize tools, tools can be added as outputs, and so on. This topic focuses on the options and operations that are unique to .pvns and action suites. For details on how to define provisioning actions, see the Virtualize User’s Guide.

This topic covers:

All provisioning actions must be created within a Virtualize project named ProvisioningAssets. If they are not, CTP will not be able to retrieve the list of provisioning actions or execute any of the provisioning actions.

Specifying Provisioning Actions in .pvn files and Action Suites

Provisioning actions are specified by building a suite of tools that may include:

You can perform any set of actions that can be expressed via Virtualize’s flexible tool set.

To specify provisioning actions:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a ProvisioningAssets project within your Virtualize workspace. Provisioning actions must be saved inside a project with this exact name.
  2. Open the Provisioning Action (.pvn) File wizard in one of the following ways:
  3. In the Action Suite Type selection wizard page, specify what type of action suite you want to create.
  4. (Optional) If you want to add an additional tool to the action suite, right-click the node where you want it added, choose Add New > Action, then select the desired tool from the Add Action wizard.

Executing Provisioning Action Files and Action Suites in Virtualize

Executing provisioning actions in Virtualize is a fast and easy way to confirm that the actions operate as expected before you integrate them into your environment provisioning on CTP. Doing this testing and debugging directly in the UI where you can create and modify the actions is typically more efficient than doing so externally (for example, from CTP).

To execute the actions defined in .pvn files and action suites:

  1. In the Virtual Asset Explorer, select the node(s) that represent the actions you want performed.
  2. Do one of the following:

Reviewing Execution Results

As the actions execute, progress will be reported in the Test Progress view. The label on this view will reflect that Run Configuration that you selected for execution. With the default settings, it will be called "Example Configuration."

After provisioning actions are executed, any problems discovered will be reported in the Quality Tasks view.

For more details about a reported problem, right-click the node and choose View Details.

Customizing Run Configurations

If you want to run provisioning actions with customized execution configurations (for example, you want to use a specific environment or browser other than the one specified at the action set level), you can create a custom Run Configuration that captures these preferences, then execute the actions with that customized configuration.

To create a custom Run Configuration:

  1. Go to Parasoft > Run Configurations to open the Run Configurations panel.
  2. Choose User-defined and click New.
  3. Configure the Execution tab options as desired (see details below).
  4. (Optional) Set the Run Configuration as a Favorite Run Configuration by right-clicking it, choosing Set as Favorite, then specifying what "favorite" position you want it to take (default, 1, 2, or 3). The configuration will then be set as a Favorite Configuration, and the "favorite" icon will be added to that configuration in the Run Configurations tree. The configuration in the default position will be run when you click the Run Provisioning Actions.
  5. Click Apply, then Close.

Execution tab Settings

Configuring Provisioning Action Files and Action Suites

To configure properties for a .pvn or action suite, double-click its node, then modify options in the configuration panel that opens.

Many of the available options (Notes, Variables, SOAP) are the same as the ones available for Responder suites. These are described in Configuring Responder Suite Properties.

In addition to those common options, you can also configure Action Execution options and Browser Playback options (applicable if you recorded web actions for playback) for each .pvn file and action suite. 

Browser Playback options allow you to determine which browsers are used for playback as well as specify authentication settings. See Configuring the Browser Used for details.

Action Execution options allow you to control factors such as whether:

Action Execution

You can customize the following execution options for action execution:

Action Flow Logic

Virtualize allows you to create actions that are dependent on the success or failure of previous actions, set-up actions, or tear-down actions. This helps you create an efficient workflow within the action suite. In addition, you can also influence action suite logic by creating while loops and if/else statements that depend on the value of a variable.

Options can be set at the action suite level (options that apply to all actions in the action suite), or for specific actions.

Action Flow Logic Options

In many cases, you may want to have Virtualize repeatedly perform a certain action until a certain condition is met. Action suite flow logic allows you to configure this.

Understanding the Options

To help you automate such scenarios, Virtualize allows you to choose between two main action flow types:

Setting the Options

To configure action flow logic options that apply across the action suite:

  1. Open the Execution Options > Action Flow Logic tab, then select the top-level node.
  2. Select the desired flow type.
  3. (Optional) Customize the Maximum number of loops setting, which determines the maximum number of loops to run if the specified condition is never met.
  4. If you chose while/pass fail flow specify the loop conditions by going to Loop until one of the action(s) and choose succeeds or fails depending on which outcome you want to occur before the action suite proceeds.
  5. If you chose while variable flow, set the while and do conditions as follows:

Action-Specific Logic Options