Ideally, users should never have to spend time running the tests. They should be able to focus their time and efforts on creating the tests because test execution can be automated, just like the process of building, compiling, and deploying application code can be automated.

Parasoft SOAtest can be integrated into a continuous build/integrate/test process such as those established with Ant Build, Maven, CruiseControl, Hudson, UNIX/Linux cron, Windows Scheduler, and so forth. Some groups may have such a continuous process scheduled on a nightly/daily basis or at certain times when drops are packaged and made.

The goal here is to leverage your existing continuous integration in order to execute SOAtest regression tests on the Web service builds that are already being created regularly and automatically. This has several key benefits:

All types of tests that Parasoft supports can be automated, including functional tests and load tests.

For example, here is a sample command for SOAtest automation:

soatestcli -data "c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Parasoft\SOAtest\workspace" -resource "SOAtest Example" -config user://"My Configuration" -report c:\reports\Report1

For full details, see Testing from the Command Line Interface - soatestcli.