Virtualize uses the following core views:
If you are working with provisioning action suites, additional views are relevant; for details, see Defining Provisioning Actions.
For details on other views provided by the Eclipse workbench (such as the Tasks and Problems view), see the Workbench User Guide, which can be accessed from Help > Contents.
The Virtualize Server view is where you manage and interact with local or remote Virtualize server, as well as the virtual assets and proxies that are deployed on them. From here, you can start/stop servers, start/stop event monitoring, and create/modify/interact with message proxies (for example, to start or stop recording) as well as use JDBC Controllers (for example, to switch Parasoft JDBC Drivers between passthrough, record, virtualize, and hybrid modes).
For details on this view, see Working with the Virtualize Server View.
The Virtual Asset Explorer presents your projects and the included responder suites and provisioning action suites.
The Data Repositories view is your main control point for adding, deleting, editing, and reviewing Parasoft Data Repositories, which allow teams to define, extend, and review large and/or hierarchical data sets for use in Parasoft messaging tools. Each repository’s hierarchy is represented graphically, and this graphical representation links to a Data Editor that simplifies extending and browsing large, complex data sets.
For details, see Working with Large Hierarchical Data Sets.
The Console view reports messages generated by Virtualize and displays summary information about activities that Virtualize has performed (for example, deploying Virtual Assets or errors that have occurred in a deployed asset).
When JMS or MQ proxies or virtual assets are started or stopped, the Console view reports which listeners are started or stopped. This is done for queues where Virtualize removes messages.
The Editor view is the largest panel in the workbench. This is where Virtualize displays asset/tool configuration panels or files, depending on what Virtual Asset Explorer node was selected. For instance, if you double-click a Message Responder node in the Virtual Asset Explorer, a Message Responder configuration panel opens in an Editor. Multiple editor views can be open at the same time. If the name of the editor has an asterisk (*) next to it, this means that are unsaved changes in the editor.
The Queue Browser allows you to see the contents of queues deployed on IBM MQ, Websphere Application Server, Tibco EMS, Sonic MQ, ActiveMQ, or any other JMS provider. This is helpful for debugging purposes, especially for the initial configuration of a transaction. For details, see Вrowsing Queues.