In this section:
This topic explains how to import results into the IDE from DTP or an XML file. Choose Parasoft> Import to specify where you want to import findings from. You can also import findings from the Quality Tasks view menu or use the Import from DTP toolbar button:
If C/C++test is connected to DTP, team developers/testers can import test results into their IDEs. If project-wide/team-wide tests are run automatically each night on a central server machine and the results published to DTP (see Generating Reports for information how to send results to DTP), each developer or tester can import his or her assigned findings on their desktop and then review and respond to them in the Quality Tasks view.
Findings from DTP file, are imported according to the Import Settings configuration, see Configuring Import Options.
You need to ensure that:
To import findings from DTP:
The import will begin immediately. An alert will tell you how many findings were imported.
The import will begin immediately. When finished, an alert will tell you how many findings were imported. The imported findings will be loaded into the Quality Tasks view.
If the imported findings are associated with a file that has been modified, a message appears specifying the file(s) that are out of sync. The markers associated with these findings (including the line numbers) may not match the location in the local resource files or may indicate findings that have already been resolved.
Findings associated with resources missing locally are not imported and the displayed message lists the files that are unavailable.
To import findings from an XML file: