In this section:


The Parasoft gRPC Listener Extension adds support for the Google Remote Procedure Call message format so that Virtualize assets can read a single message from a topic and respond with a single message on another topic. 



This artifact can be installed from the UI or the command line.

UI Installation

  1. Go to Parasoft > Preferences and click System Properties.
  2. Click Add JARs and select the com.parasoft.virtualize.listener.grpc-<version>.jar file.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Restart Virtualize.

Command Line Installation

Add the com.parasoft.soavirt.listener.grpc-<version>.jar file to the property in your settings properties file. For example:<PATH_TO_JAR>/com.parasoft.soavirt.transport.grpc-1.0.jar


After installation, the gRPC Listener option will appear in the Virtual Asset Deployment Settings. The gRPC implementation can be used for all responders except SQL Responders.

  1. Open the virtual asset settings and click the Transport tab.  
  2. Click the Custom tab and configure the listener settings (see Configuration). If your system has more than one custom extension, choose gRPC Lister from the Select implementation menu.


The listener can be configured as a producer, consumer, or both. To configure the listener as a producer only, leave the consumer configuration settings empty. To configure the listener as a consumer only, leave the producer configuration settings empty.  

Connection Settings

Listen PortSpecify the listen port. Value must be between 1 and 65535. 
Service NameSpecify the service name.
Method NamesSpecify the method name or names. Multiple entries must be separated by commas.
Method Type(s)Specify the method type or types. Valid entries are unary or stream. Multiple entries must be separated by commas. The default is unary.

Injected Headers Settings

Method HeaderDefault is gRPC-Method.
Call ID HeaderDefault is gRPC-Call-ID.
Notification HeaderDefault is gRPC-Notification.

Transport Layer Security Settings

Auth MechanismSpecify the authorization mechanism you want to use to connect to the gRPC server. Options are SSL and insecure. The default is insecure.
Certificate Chain File

This field is ignored when the Auth Mechanism is set to insecure.

Private Key File

This field is ignored when the Auth Mechanism is set to insecure.

Logging Settings

Log Level

Specify how much information you want logged to the console. The default is 2 (warn).

Third-party Content

This extension includes items that have been sourced from third parties as outlined below.

Additional license details are available in this plugin's licenses folder.