This topic introduces the Spell tool, which reports misspelled words.
Sections include:
The Spell tool reports misspelled words found in the input. It helps you quickly identify spelling errors within HTML and XML. files. Since it understands HTML and XML tags, it does not erroneously report tags and words adjacent to tags as misspelled. It is even able to spot spelling errors that appear only when the code is rendered (for example, “an<B>error</B>”).
This tool can be chained to a Browser Playback tool to check spelling at a given test step.
Spelling can also be checked when performing static analysis of specific files (see Performing Static Analysis) or when functional test suites execute (see Configuring SOAtest to Run Static Analysis on Web Scenarios). To check spelling during static analysis, use the "Spell Words Correctly" rule, which is in the Check Spelling category. This rule has the same customization options as the Spell tool.
Both the tool and the rule use the same dictionary.
You can customize the following options:
The dictionary can be customized in two ways: