Browser Playback for SOAtest

The Browser Playback tool plays back a user action in a web browser on the current page (for example, clicking on a link or typing).

This topic includes:

Creating Browser Playback Tools

The Browser Playback tool is the basis for all Web tests recorded through the browser.

Configuring Browser Playback

For details on how to configure and customize Browser Playback, see:

The tool’s configuration panel has the following tabs:

Note that you can attach an output to an HTTP request response as well as add an output directly attached to the Browser Playback tool. The following tools can be attached as outputs:

These tools directly access the final browser contents for the test (that is, what you see in the post-action rendered view). Only one Browser Validation tool and one Browser Data Bank tool can be added as outputs to each Browser Playback tool.

Related Tutorials

The following tutorial lesson demonstrates how to use this tool: