In this section:
Any authenticated user can lock a currently-unlocked repository, modify a repository that he or she locked, and unlock a repository that he or she locked.
Admin-level users can also unlock any repository (no matter which user applied the lock). However, they cannot modify repositories that other users locked. If they wanted to modify a locked repository, they would need to unlock it first, then modify it.
If CTP is configured to allow anonymous access, information about which user locked each repository will not appear. To ensure that locking details display, disable anonymous access in CTP.
For details on locking and unlocking repositories in the desktop, see Locking and Unlocking Repositories.
Choose a repository and click Lock.
A lock image will be added to the associated repository, and the lock image’s tooltip will indicate that this repository is now locked by you. At this point, you are the only one who can modify or delete this repository. The Lock toolbar icon will be replaced with an Unlock icon.
Choose a locked repository and click Unlock. Remember that unless you are an Admin-level user, you can unlock only the repositories that you previously locked.