Customizing the Columns Displayed

To determine which columns are displayed (and in what order), click the Select Columns icon, then specify which columns you want shown.

In the Select Columns dialog, you can drag and drop to reorder columns.

The following columns can be shown:

Time StampThe time stamp for the event message. The time stamp will be presented in the local time zone. 
TypeThe type of event. You can choose all types, or focus on events associated with proxies, virtual assets, unmatched messages, server events (such as start and stop), and other events (such as messages from custom listeners). 
AssetThe name of event message’s source (a virtual asset or proxy). For example, if an event message comes from a proxy, the name of that proxy is displayed. 
CategoryThe category of event. You can choose all event categories, or focus on messages coming to or from responders, messages to or from proxies, or error / warning / debug / informational messages (including messages from custom listeners).
 ComponentThe associated Environment Manager component (if applicable).
 Environment The associated Environment Manager environment.
 System The associated Environment Manager system.
 ResponderThe endpoint of the virtual asset handling the message. 
 Client The host name of the machine that sent the event message to Virtualize.
 Client IPThe IP of the machine that sent the event message to Virtualize.
 ServerThe associated Virtualize server.
 Iteration The data source row used in the associated response or request.

Including/Excluding Certain Types of Messages

The Unmatched messages option at the bottom left of the page shows/hides any incoming requests that could not be correlated to a virtual asset or message proxy. The Assets not assigned to any components option shows/hides messages for proxies or virtual assets that are deployed on a connected Virtualize server but are not attached to any Environment Manager component.

Clearing/Resetting the Displayed Messages

To temporarily clear the displayed messages, click Clear on the lower-right side of the table.

The table will them be "reset" and previously shown messages will be hidden, but any new messages that meet the filter criteria will be shown.

Deleting Specific Messages

To permanently delete messages:

  1. Mark the checkbox for each message you want to remove.
  2. Click Delete in the bottom-left corner of the Event Messages table.

Customizing the Number of Event Messages Reported

By default, CTP is configured to store and report on 1,000 event messages. If you want to change this, choose Event Message Limit from the page-level action menu (or go to the Administration > Database Configuration page), then customize the Virtualize Event Messages value.

Exporting Messages for Virtual Asset Generation

If the Event Messages page reports any messages that you want to create virtual assets from, you can export this traffic as a traffic file, then use the traffic file to create virtual assets via CTP or Virtualize. For instance, you could use this functionality to create virtual assets for specific messages that were received, but not correlated to any of your current virtual assets or proxies.

  1. Enable each message you want to export.
  2. Click Create traffic file in the bottom left of the Event Messages table.
  3. In the dialog that opens, select the Virtualize server onto which you want the traffic file created and enter a name for the traffic file. Files will be created in the VirtualAssets folder.

You can now use this file when you create a new virtual asset (as described in Creating Virtual Assets from Service Descriptions).

Note that if you simply want to archive the event messages (without generating virtual assets from them), you can save them as a CSV file. Just ensure that the messages you want to save are displayed, then click CSV in the bottom left side of the table.