This topic explains how to add Set-Up and Tear-Down tests, which are executed before or after the rest of the test suite.
SOAtest’s Set-Up and Tear-Down tests that mirror the setUp and tearDown operations in JUnit test cases.
To add a Set-Up or Tear-Down test:
- Select the Test Case Explorer tree node that represents the Test Suite you want to extend.
- Click Add Test or Output
on the tool bar. The Add Test wizard opens and shows a list of available tools. To learn about a particular tool, select it and review the description that appears. - In the left pane, select Set-Up Test (if you want the tool to run before the test suite executes) or Tear-Down Test (if you want the tool to run after the test suite executes).
- In the right pane, select the tool you want to use.
- Click Finish.
- Double-click the node added for that tool, then review and modify settings as needed in the tool configuration panel that opens on the right. Most settings vary from tool to tool.
- If an Input tab is shown in the tool configuration panel, you need to specify what text or file you want the tool to operate on. To do this, complete the tab as follows:
- Text: Use this option if you want to type or copy the document into the UI. Select the appropriate MIME type, enter the text in the text field below the Text radio button.
- File: Use this option if you want to use an existing file. Click Browse to choose a file. Check the Persist as Relative Path option if you want the path to this file to be saved as a path that is relative to the current configuration file. Enabling this option makes it easier to share tests across multiple machines. If this option is not enabled, the test suite will save the path to this file as an absolute path.