This topic explains how to use the Requirements view to ensure that requirements for your project are covered by tests. Sections include:


You can associate test cases with requirements managed by your ALM/RMS and visualize the correlations in the Requirements view. The view shows which test cases cover the requirements so that you can easily identify gaps in requirement coverage. 

Supported ALM/RMS

Azure DevOpsImporting from DTP requires DTP 2021.2 or higher.


Importing from DTP requires DTP DTP 2020.2 or higher.
Jama ConnectImporting from DTP requires DTP 2021.2 or higher.


Importing from DTP requires DTP DTP 2020.2 or higher.

Importing from a ReqIF file is not supported.


Importing from DTP requires DTP 2021.2 or higher.


A Requirements Traceability license is required. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

If you import requirements from a ReqIF:

If you import requirements from DTP:

Importing Requirements

You can import requirements from DTP or from a ReqIF file exported from your RMS.

  1. Go to Parasoft > Show View > Requirements to open the Requirements view.
  2. Open the vertical ellipses menu and choose Import > DTP... or Local File... to open an import dialog.
  3. If importing from file, specify ReqIF and select the specification you want to import from that file.

    If importing from DTP, you will be prompted to choose which specification to import based on the configuration in DTP. Refer to the DTP documentation for information about configuring connections between ALM/RMS projects and DTP projects.
  4. Click OK to finish importing the requirements.

The view will be populated with either requirements from your ALM/RMS via DTP or requirements from the ReqIF. See Reviewing Imported Requirements for next steps.

Reviewing Imported Requirements 

The view will reflect the project structure according to how it is defined in your ALM/RMS. All work items (requirements and their test definitions, if available) are arranged as nodes in a tree that you can collapse and expand.

You can double-click on a requirement or test definition to view its summary details. The summary contains the ID, name, and description of the requirement or test definition. A link to the requirement or test definition will appear in the Description field.

Associating Tests with Requirement IDs

There are two methods for associating tests with requirement IDs.

  1. You can right-click a work item and choose Copy ID to copy its ID to clipboard. This helps you correlate a requirement or test definition with a test case by pasting the ID into your test case to create an association. IDs are associated in the Requirements and Notes tab of the test suite editor. The process for linking tests to requirements and other dev/test artifacts is described in the Indicating Code and Test Correlations section. 
  2. Drag a test or test suite from the Test Case Explorer view into the Requirements view and drop it onto the requirement it should verify. You can also drag a requirement from the Requirements view onto the test or test suite in the Test Case Explorer.  

Detecting Existing Correlations

After importing requirements to detect initial correlations, click the refresh icon on the Requirements view tool bar to scan for test cases as you work on your project.

You can also enable the Auto detect test cases option from the Requirements view tool bar menu to enable the automatic detection mode. As a result, SOAtest will automatically search for correlations as you make updates.

When the scanning process completes, the detected test cases are matched with the corresponding work item in the Requirements view. You can right-click a test case and choose one of the following options:

Requirements and test definitions that are not correlated with a test case are flagged with a caution icon.

You can also filter the view so that only requirements that are not covered by test cases appear in the panel.


Viewing Correlations in DTP

The Parasoft Traceability Pack extension for DTP enables you to view traceability information in DTP widgets, reports, and other visualizations. After associating tests to requirements, you can execute the test suites. Refer to the DTP documentation for details on configuring DTP to display traceability information for your SOAtest test cases.