This topic explains how to add responders to the Responder suite (for example, if you want to manually add a responder) as well as how to add tools that operate on the output of responders.

Adding a Responder

To add a responder to a Responder suite:

  1. Click the Virtual Asset Explorer tree node where you want to add the responder and click Add Responder or Output on the tool bar. 

  2. Choose the responder you want to use in the right pane, then click Finish.
  3. Double-click the node added for that responder, then review and modify settings as needed in the tool configuration panel that opens on the right.

Adding an Output

Message Responders have an incoming request message output and an outgoing response message output. The output allows for chaining tools that execute various actions on these message contents.

For example, you might need to extract a value from an incoming message (using the XML Data Bank tool) and pass it on to the outgoing response message or another Message Responder response message. Or you might need to extract some content from an incoming message and reuse it for another responder.

If the Validate license is enabled, validation tools can be chained to the Incoming Request output in order to validate messages coming to the Message Responder (messages produced by the application under test and received by Virtualize). Any validation failures are reported to the Event Details log (described in Gaining Visibility into Server Events). The most frequently used validation tools are Diff and XML Assertor.

To add an output:

  1. Click the Virtual Asset Explorer tree node that represents the tool that you want to add an output for and click Add Responder or Output on the tool bar. 

  2. In the left pane of the Add Output wizard, choose the node that specifies the output type you want to use as a tool input.
  3. In the right pane, choose the tool you want to use.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Double-click the node added for that tool, then review and modify settings as needed in the tool configuration panel that opens on the right.

For details on chaining the DB, SOAP Client, and Messaging Client tools to a Message Responder’s incoming request or outgoing response, see Chaining Tools to the Responder's Incoming Request or Outgoing Response.