In this section:

The EDI Client is a tool for sending EDI documents. Currently AL3, CARGO, EANCOM, EDIFACT, EDIGAS, HIPAA, HL7, IATA, NCPDP, TELCO, TRADACOMS, and X12 are supported. It simplifies the use of EDI, which is often difficult to read, by allowing you to utilize XML. You can model your EDI request payload as an XML document; the client then automatically converts the XML to EDI before sending the message. If the server returns an EDI message, the client can convert the message to XML so that you can attach tools such as the XML Assertor and XML Data Bank to the response.

Creating a New EDI Client

To create a new EDI Client:

  1. Create a new empty .tst file:
    1. Go to File > New > Project.
    2. Choose SOAtest > Empty Project, then click Next.
    3. Enter a project name, then click Finish.
  2. Create a new EDI Client:
    1. Right-click the new test suite node, then choose Add New > Test.
    2. Choose EDI Client, then click Finish.
  3. Click the new tool’s Request tab and change the Input Mode to Literal.
  4. Paste the following text:

    UNA:+.? ~
  5. Change the Input Mode from Literal to Form Input, then confirm that you want to override the values. Note that Dialect, Version, and Message type were automatically completed.
  6. Click the Transport tab, enter http://localhost:8080/parabank/echo.jsp into the Router Endpoint field, then save the editor.
  7. Run the EDI Client. 
  8. Open the Traffic Viewer.

Note that the request was sent in the EDI format. However, also note that each line ends with a quote character instead of the "~" character that was in our original message. By default, the EDI Client is using a different segment separator character than the one that we want to send in our message.

Setting EDI Conversion Options

Now, let's ensure that we’re sending the EDI content with the correct segment separator (the character that is at the end of the line).

  1. Add a Diff output:
    1. Right-click the EDI Client and choose Add Output.
    2. Click Request > Payload on the left and Diff on the right, then click Finish.
  2. Paste the same text (shown above) into the Diff Tool.
  3. Click the Options tab and enable Ignore Whitespace. When the above text is copied and pasted into the Diff tool, new line characters are inserted. Enabling this option will prevent those characters from being reported as differences.
  4. Save the Diff tool.
  5. Rerun the EDI Client. The test should fail with an error that 16 lines were changed. This is expected since the EDI Client is using a different segment separator than the original message.
  6. Change the EDI Client’s conversion options:
    1. Click the tool’s Conversion Options tab.
    2. Find the Segment separator option and enter ~ (tilde).
    3. Save the EDI Client.
  7. Re-run the EDI Client. Now it will succeed.

Note that in locales where the decimal separator character is a comma (',') rather than a period ('.'), you will see a single test failure on the first line. This is due to the difference in the decimal separator character.

Configuring EDI Messages

One of the main reasons to use the EDI Client is its ability to let you easily configure EDI messages. Let's parameterize one of the fields in our EDI message.

  1. Create a new Table Data Source:
    1. Right-click the test suite node and choose Add New > Data Source.
    2. Choose Table and click Finish.
    3. Name the data source Companies.
    4. Enable First row specifies column names.
    5. In the first column, enter Company Availability as the column name, then enter XYZCOMPANY AVAILABILITY and PARASOFT AVAILABILITY in rows 1 and 2, respectively.
    6. Save the data source.
  2. Copy the first EDI Client you created (right-click it and choose Copy) and paste it into the same test suite.
  3. In the new EDI Client, delete the Diff tool that is attached to the Request Payload (right-click it and choose Delete).
  4. In the new EDI Client’s Request tab of the new EDI Client, ensure that Input Mode is set to Form Input.
  5. In the tree shown in Form Input, click the first IFT02-FreeText node (the full path to the node is "IATA/PAORES/IFT-InteractiveFreeText/IFT02-FreeText").
  6. On the right, change Fixed to Parameterized.

    The dropdown to the right should show the data source column named Company Availability.
  7. Save the EDI Client.
  8. Run the test.
  9. Open the Traffic Viewer for Test 2: EDI Client and notice that the test was run twice: once for each row in the data source.

Validating EDI Content

We have configured our EDI Client to send the request to a service that simply echoes back the exact same request that was sent. Thus, the EDI Client is getting the same EDI content in the response as it sent in the request. Let's set up a validation on this EDI content.

  1. Add a new XML Assertor Output:
    1. Right-click the parameterized EDI Client (the second one) and choose Add Output.
    2. Click Response Payload Converted to XML on the left and XML Assertor on the right, then click Finish.
  2. Rerun the test to populate the contents of the XML Assertor.
  3. Configure the XML Assertor as follows:
    1. Click the XML Assertor’s Configuration tab.
    2. Click Add, select Value Assertions, then click Next.
    3. Select Value Assertion and click Next.
    4. In the tree that is shown, select the first IFT02-FreeText node (the full path to node is "IATA/PAORES/IFT-InteractiveFreeText/IFT02-FreeText") and click Finish.
    5. Enter XYZCOMPANY AVAILABILITY into the Expected Value field.
    6. Save the XML Assertor.
  4. Run the test.  It should fail with the message 'DataSource: Companies (row 2): Value Assertion: For element "../IFT02-FreeText", expected: XYZCOMPANY AVAILABILITY but was: PARASOFT AVAILABILITY '.

    This mismatch occurs because the request is parameterized, but the XML Assertor is not.
  5. Change the Expected Value field in the XML Assertor to Parameterized. The dropdown to the right should show the column in our data source named "Company Availability."
  6. Save the XML Assertor.
  7. Run the test. It should now succeed.

The .tst file corresponding to these exercises can be found at <SOATEST_INSTALL_DIR/examples/tests/EDI.