The topics presented in this tutorial will guide you through how SOAtest addresses key areas of service testing and Web UI testing. This tutorial will demonstrate the creation of various test suites.


Requirements for completing this tutorial include:

For your convenience, we've provided a sample SOAtest test suite named SOAtestTutorial.tst. This test suite is located within the <INSTALL_DIR>/examples/tests directory. It contains all the tests that will be created through the tutorial, and also includes specific examples referenced throughout this tutorial. Further information about each test is given in the Requirements and Notes tab of each test suite’s configuration panel.

Setting Up ParaBank

To complete most of the examples in this tutorial, you will need to create and run a ParaBank project.

  1. In SOAtest, select File > New > Project.
  2. Select SOAtest > ParaBank Example Project, then click Next.
  3. Enter a project name (for example, "ParaBank") and click Finish.
  4. In the Servers view (if it’s not visible, choose Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers), verify that the ParaBank Tomcat Server is started and synchronized. It might take about a minute for the server to start and synchronize.


Note the Port Being Used

When the web application launches, be sure to note what port it is using.

ParaBank uses port 8080 by default. If port 8080 is already in use, SOAtest incrementally searches for an available port, starting at 8000.

Using a Different Port

You can change the port settings as follows:

  1. In the Servers view (if it’s not visible, choose Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers), double-click the ParaBank Tomcat X.X Server entry. The Overview editor opens.
  2. Under Ports, change the HTTP/1.1 entry to a port of your choice.
  3. Pres CTRL+S to save the editor.
  4. In the Servers view, click Restart the server. ParaBank will restart.

Troubleshooting ParaBank

If you upgrade from a previous installation of SOAtest and the browser displays a 404 Error message after the upgrade—even if the Java perspective reports that the server started properly—you need to clean the workspace as follows:

  1. Open the Java perspective.
  2. Open the Servers view (if it’s not visible, choose Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers).
  3. In the Servers view, right-click the ParaBank Tomcat server and choose Clean.
  4. Restart the ParaBank Tomcat server (right-click it and choose Restart).

Parasoft SOAtest Best Practices

While reading this document, you will find examples that show the recommended way of creating test cases within SOAtest. You can apply these best practices when creating tests for your own services and applications. 

The following list details some core best practices for using SOAtest:

You will learn how to apply these and other best practices throughout the tutorial.

As you gain a basic understanding of SOAtest functionality, we strongly recommend that you read Best Practices for SOAtest.