This section lists the Insure++ functions that you can call programmatically. 

Insure++ Preprocessor

If you are inserting these routines into your source code, you might want to use the pre-processor symbol __INSURE__ so that they will only be called when compiling with the appropriate tools. For example:

void grind_away() {
#ifdef __INSURE__
		//disables Insure++ checking
	... code ...

#ifdef __INSURE__
		//enables Insure++ checking

In this way, you can use the same source code when compiling with or without Insure++. You will also need to add prototypes for these functions to your code, particularly if you are calling these C functions from C++ code. Make sure that in this case your prototype is properly marked extern "C".

Control Routine

This routine affects the behavior of Insure++ and is normally called from within your source code.

void _Insure_printf(const char *fmt,[,arg...]);

Causes Insure++ to add the given character string to its output.

Memory Block Description Routines

size_t _Insure_list_allocated_memory(unsigned int mode)

Prints the total number of allocated blocks and the total number of bytes allocated. If mode is set to 2, Insure++ lists all allocated memory blocks and their sizes. If mode is set to 1, Insure++ lists only newly allocated or re-allocated blocks (blocks allocated or re-allocated since the last time this function was called). If mode is set to 0, Insure++ does not list any blocks; it only prints the total allocation. This function returns the total number of bytes allocated.

void _Insure_mem_info(void *ptr);

Displays all information known about the memory block whose address is ptr. For example, the following code might generate the output shown next:

#include <stdlib.h>

	char *p, buf[128];
	p = malloc(100);
#ifdef __INSURE__
	Pointer : 0xf7fff74c (stack)
	Offset 	: 0 bytes
   In block : 0xf7fff74c thru 0xf7fff7cb (128 bytes)
				buf, declared at foo.c, 4
 	Pointer : 0x00024b98 (heap)
	 Offset : 0 bytes
   In block : 0x00024b98 thru 0x00024bfb (100 bytes)
				p, allocated at foo.c, 6

void _Insure_ptr_info(void **ptr);

Displays all information about the pointer whose address is passed. For example, the following code might generate the output shown next:

#include <stdlib.h>

	char *p, buf[128];
	p = malloc(100);
#ifdef __INSURE__
	Pointer : 0x00024b98 (heap)
	Offset 	: 0 bytes
   In block : 0x00024b98 thru 0x00024bfb (100 bytes)
				p, allocated at foo.c, 6

void _Insure_leak_summary()

Prompts Insure++ to report a leak summary at various points during execution. If the leak_sweep option is enabled, this function prompts Insure++ to mark and sweep all heap blocks.

The leak_sweep option should always be enabled when using this function. If the summarize_leaks and/or summarize_outstanding options are set, this function prompts Insure++ to report a leak summary. It also notifies Inuse of all leaked heap blocks. This function may be called repeatedly throughout a process’s lifetime. This is useful for monitoring leaks in a continuously running process (for example, a server) when the leak_search option has been disabled to improve performance.

void _Insure_new_leak_summary()

Prompts Insure++ to report any new leaks that have occurred since the last call to _Insure_new_leak_summary.

The leak_sweep option should always be enabled when using this function. If the summarize_leaks and/or summarize_outstanding options are set, this function prompts Insure++ to report a leak summary. It also notifies Inuse of all leaked heap blocks.

This function may be called repeatedly throughout a process’s lifetime. This is useful for monitoring leaks in a continuously running process (for example, a server) when the leak_search option has been disabled to improve performance.


You can use the _Insure_trace_annotate() and _Insure_trace_enable() APIs to trace program execution. See Tracing Program Execution for details.