You can configure SOAtest settings once and propagate them across the team’s installations. You can also extend or override these settings as needed, such as for machine-specific paths.
In this section:
Implement the following workflow if your organization uses Parasoft DTP:
If your organization does not use DTP, you can export the settings configured in one SOAtest installation and import them manually to each desktop installation. For server configurations, use the following command to point to a locally stored properties file:
-settings <path/to/file>
Specify where you want to store the settings file and which settings you want to include in the exported file.
Copy the contents of the properties file to the project or global settings in DTP. See the DTP documentation on for details.
DTP uses multicast DNS to broadcast its services in the local network. This allows SOAtest to automatically detect available DTP servers, which enables easy configuration. In the eclipse.ini file found in the installation directory, add the line |
Connect each desktop and/or server SOAtest installation to DTP and enable the option to automatically configure SOAtest. See Connecting to DTP for details.
You can specify the preference settings stored in a file or allow DTP to auto-configure your settings.
For SOAtest server installations, use the following command to point to a locally stored settings file:
-settings <path/to/file>
See Configuring Settings for details on manually configuring the settings file.
Use the -dtp.autoconfig
flag and specify the DTP project, host, and port to allow DTP to auto-configure your settings. This enables you to configure your tool without pointing to a settings file. For example:
-dtp.autoconfig [email protected]:8080 |
If you already have a settings file and want to import additional settings from DTP, use the dtp.autoconfig=true
option and specify your connection settings. For example:
dtp.enabled=true dtp.password=password dtp.project=projectname dtp.url= dtp.user=username dtp.autoconfig=true |
You can define common properties in DTP and configure per-test-run specific properties in various settings files for different test runs.
You can configure several settings files if you want to use a combination of settings. This enables you to use, for example, core project settings stored on DTP, test-specific settings associated with the particular machine, and custom settings for a specific set of analyses.
Use both -dtp.autoconfig
and -settings
at the command line. For example:
-dtp.autoconfig [email protected]:8080 -settings machine_override_properties -settings project_override_properties |
Specify the most general settings first and your most specific settings last. Settings will be processed in the order in which they are listed; any settings that are duplicated across groups will be overridden each time a duplicate is found.
If you are using this recommended process, you can update team-wide settings in Parasoft DTP, then those modifications will automatically be propagated to all the connected machines.
To prevent this automated updating (for example, because you have updated settings locally and do not want them overridden), disable Use DTP settings on the Preferences page(s) you do not want updated from DTP.
The following preferences are available in the UI:
Parasoft (Root-Level) | Sets general preferences and allows you to export settings to a settings file.
Authors | Maps a team member’s automatically detected username to a different username and/or email address. See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings. |
Browser | Specifies which browser executables to use for web testing. See Browser Settings. |
Configurations | Specifies the number of Test Configurations available in the Parasoft > Test History menu, the location where custom static analysis rules (user rules) are saved and searched for, and the location where user-defined Test Configurations and rules are saved and searched for.
Console | Specifies settings for the Console view.
Continuous Testing Platform | Configures your connection to Continuous Testing Platform. See Continuous Testing Platform. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information. |
DTP | Configures your connection to DTP. See Connecting to DTP. |
Dictionary | Configures the language dictionary. |
Specifies email settings used for report notifications and for sending files to Parasoft Technical Support. | |
Global Data Sources | Specifies where the file is saved. See Adding a Data Source at the Test Suite, Project, or Global Level. |
Issue Tracking Tags | Specifies custom tags that the team uses to associate a test case with an issue from an issue/feature/defect tracking system (for example, Jira). |
JDBC Drivers | Specifies JDBC drivers that are needed to connect to a database. |
License | Specifies license settings. See Licensing. |
MIME Types | Specifies recognized MIME types. |
Misc. | Enables you to specify the following settings:
Proxy | Specifies custom proxy settings. The IDE proxy settings (General> Network) are used by default. |
Quality Tasks | Specifies general options related to how tasks are displayed in the Quality Tasks view. |
Reports | Specifies what reports include and how they are formatted. The value used for the Session Tag field cannot contain colon characters (:). |
Scanning | Specifies default user agent, FTP log, and script extensions. |
Scope and Authorship | Specifies how code authorship is computed and how tasks are assigned to different team members. See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings |
Scripting | Specifies additional scripting languages you can use in Scripting Tools. See Extensibility and Scripting Basics. |
Security | Specifies settings for allowing the tool to connect to secure applications. See Configuring for Services Deployed Over HTTPS |
Server | Specifies SOAtest server start-up and port settings. See Deploying the SOAtest and Virtualize Server WAR File. |
SOAP | Specifies default SOAP settings. |
Source Controls | Specifies the connection to your source control repositories. |
System Properties | Specifies additional JARs and class folders to add to the classpath. |
Technical Support | Specifies options for preparing "support archives" and sending them to the Parasoft support team. |
UDDI | Specifies UDDI inquiry endpoint. |
WSDL History | Enables you to set/reset the WSDL history. |
XML Conversion | Specifies data model directories for XML conversion. |
XML Schema History | Enables you to set/reset the XML schema history. |
XML Schema Locations | Enables you to set/reset XML schema namespaces. |
Some preferences, such as the report settings, enable you to use variables. This enables you to dynamically define outputs, such as report names or report metadata. See Configuring Settings for additional information about variables.
For help specifying variables, you can use the variable assist feature, which automatically proposes possible variables when you type |
env_var | This variable specifies the value of an environmental variable. Use a colon followed by the name of a system environment variable before the closing curly brace to output the value of the environment variable. Usage:
project_name | Outputs the name of the tested project. If more than one project is provided as an input, the name of the project tested is printed followed by an ellipsis (...). Usage:
general_project | It outputs the name of the general DTP project that results are linked to. Only applies when connected to DTP. Usage:
workspace_name | Outputs the workspace name or Visual Studio solution name. Usage:
config_name | Outputs the name of executed test configuration. Only applies to reports and email settings. Usage:
analysis_type | Outputs a comma separated list of enabled analysis types (for example: Static, Execution). Only applies to reports and email settings. Usage:
tool_name | Outputs the name of the tool. Usage:
If you need to override the system user name (e.g., if you are integrating the product into an automated process and do not want the resulting tasks assigned to the default system name), you can do so as follows:
Provide the<username>
switch to the Java Virtual Machine
Note that this configuration is the equivalent to modifying the User name setting at the top level of the Preferences UI.