For complete visibility into all actions related to CTP assets and resources, you can subscribe to notifications associated with all or specific assets/resources. Email notifications will be sent for associated changes and error events (such as unmatched data source correlations).
If an email server is configured for your CTP installation (refer to Email Configuration), you can subscribe to notifications about changes and error events related to the associated resources and assets. Notifications will be delivered as email messages.
To subscribe to all change and error event notifications for a specific asset/resource:
If an email server is configured for your CTP installation (refer to Email Configuration), you can subscribe to notifications about changes and error events related to all resources and assets available on CTP. Notifications will be delivered as email messages.
Subscribing to all changes and error events will cause any previous resource-level subscriptions to be reset.
To subscribe to all change and error event notifications from the User Profile page:
If you later want to stop subscribing to all change and error events, return to this page and clear Subscribe to all notifications.
Notification emails can be sent as a daily digest and/or as soon as the change or error event occurs (instant notification). Instant notification is the default.
To review and modify notification settings:
The timing of the daily digest can be controlled by the administrator as described in Email Configuration.
See Defining Users and Permissions to create a new account under PSTSec with the team email and subscribe to resources using that account. Once the new account has been created, log in to CTP with that team account and subscribe to the desired resources to start receiving notifications on the team email alias.