For details on using Data Banks with Service Virtualization Message Responders, see Extracting Request Values to Populate Responses.

For API testing, Data Bank tools extract JSON or XML values so that they can be reused across the test scenario. For example, assume you have a test scenario where Test 1 logs on to a service using a User ID, then the response message returns a session ID. Test 2 of that test scenario can be configured to use the session ID from Test 1. Any Data Bank tools added from CTP will be attached to the response of the selected test. Additionally, you can edit Data Bank tools that were added to the response traffic using SOAtest desktop. Any Data Bank tools that are added to the request traffic using SOAtest desktop will not be visible in CTP.

To add a new Data Bank tool to a test scenario:

  1. If you haven’t run the associated REST Client or SOAP Client tool, do so now (e.g., by selecting the related .tst tree node and clicking Execute). The tool’s traffic viewer must contain traffic before you can add a Data Bank.
  2. In the left pane, select the REST Client or SOAP Client whose response you want to extract a value from.
  3. Choose the appropriate Add Data Bank command from the page-level action menu.

    Note that JSON Data Banks tools are available for REST Clients, but not for SOAP Clients. 
  4. (Optional) Modify the name of the newly-created tool.
  5. Configure the tool as described in Configuring a Data Bank.
  6. Save the new tool configuration.

The new tool will be "chained" as an output to the response body of the selected test client tool.

For details on how to access the extracted values, see Parameterizing with Data Source and Data Bank Values.