This topic describes the Event Message screen. In this section:

Viewing Messages

To review stored event messages:

  1. Click on the Events tab or click a page's Messages link. Message links are available in several interfaces, such as the environment diagram in edit mode.

  2. Use the available controls to filter by message type, date range, category, and other message features.

By default, the newest messages will be listed on top. When a specific environment is selected, the page will show only event messages that belong to component instances of that selected environment. If components are shared between environments, only the events associated with the active environment are shown.


There are several ways to filter the Event Messages table.

You can also choose which columns to include in the table. 

  1. Click the table columns icon and enable the types of columns you want to include.
  2. Click Confirm to add or remove the columns.


You can select one or more rows and delete message or download them as CSV files.

You can also select matching message and response pairs and click Create traffic file to create a traffic file on the server. We recommend filtering the category by Proxy Traffic to get the best request/response pairs for the traffic file. The file will be saved to the recorded_traffic directory. 

Select any row to display the message details in the lower portion of the page.

In the Message Details area, you can click Open to see the complete Event Details page.