If you want to move a system (and associated environments) from one CTP installation to another, you can export it from the current installation, then import it into another.

The exported system definition will include everything needed to re-create it on an empty Virtualize server. It includes PVAs, PVNs, message proxies, JDBC controllers, and repository data sources referenced by the associated environments. It does not include user permissions or any .tsts used in health checks or SOAtest Test Executor components.


To export a system definition:

  1. With the system you want to export a) open in Edit mode and b) saved, choose Export from the page-level action menu.
  2. After the export file is built, click the link in the Export System dialog, then save the archive.


  1. Click on the Workspace tab and click Add System in the toolbar.
  2. Enable the Import a system from file option when prompted and click Create.
  3. Specify the target Virtualize server where you want the virtual assets and proxies associated with this system deployed, then click Import.

If the system you are importing includes data repositories—and you want to import those repositories— specify how to connect to the Data Repository Server where you want the archived repositories imported. In addition to identifying the target server and giving login credentials, you will need to choose a connection mode for the Data Repository Server. Two connection modes are available: Host/Port and Connection String.


To connect using a host and port, choose Host/Port as the connection mode and enter the Data Repository Server's host and port. To use SSL to connect to the server, enable Use SSL.

Connection String

To connect using a host and port, choose Connection String as the connection mode and enter the MongoDB connection string. An example of a connection string that connects to a local server with SSL is shown below. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/ for more information about MongoDB connection strings.


If an authentication database is specified in the connection string, you should use the /defaultauthdb component; only use the ?authsource=defaultauthdb option if credentials are specified in the connection string.

Note that you can specify login credentials in either the connection string or in the Username and Password fields. If credentials are specified in both, those in the Username and Password fields will take precedence.

The account you use here must have the Built-in Role of Atlas admin in your MongoDB setup. Anything less will cause the import to fail.