SOAtest can use a WSDL to create:

To automatically create a test suite from a valid WSDL document, complete the following:

  1. Choose the SOA > WSDL option in one of the available test creation wizards. For details on accessing the wizards, see:
  2. In the wizard’s WSDL page, enter a valid URL for the desired WSDL in the WSDL URL field, or click Browse to locate a WSDL file on the local file system.

    The remaining steps are optional. Once you enter a valid WSDL URL, you can go ahead and click Finish and SOAtest will generate a suite of test cases that test every object associated with the WSDL you entered. If you would like to configure the test suite further, continue to the next step.
  3. Enable Create Functional Tests from the WSDL.
  4. If you want to create a separate test suite that generates a series of tests to verify the WSDL (Schema Validity, Semantic Validity, WS-I Interoperability, and WSDL Regression), enable Create tests to validate and enforce policies on the WSDL.
  5. Click Next. The Interoperability dialog opens.
  6. Select whether you would like to create SOAtest (Java) Clients or .NET WCF Clients.
  7. Click Next. The Create Environment dialog opens.
  8. Specify whether you want to reference an existing environment or create a new one.
  9. Click Next. The Policy Enforcement dialog opens.
  10. Enable Apply Policy Configuration. This will create WSDL and functional tests that will enforce the assertions defined in the specified policy configuration.
  11. Click Next to advance to the Layout dialog.
  12. (Optional) Enable Organize as Positive and Negative Unit Tests to create both positive and negative tests for each operation since it is important to test situations where we send expected data as well as unexpected data to the server. The default value is configured to Sort Tests Alphabetically.
  13. (Optional) Enable Asynchronous and choose Parlay, Parlay X, SCP, or WS-Addressing to create asynchronous test suites. For more information on asynchronous testing, see Creating Asynchronous Tests.
  14. Click Finish.

SOAtest will generate a suite of test cases that test every operation defined in the WSDL you entered.

If you enabled Create tests to validate and enforce policies on the WSDL, SOAtest automatically creates the following WSDL tests:

Video Tutorial

In this video, you'll learn how to automatically generate tests for the operations defined in a WSDL.