You can deploy the SOAtest and Virtualize server (or SOAVirt server) manually or using a Helm chart.
To deploy the SOAVirt server in Kubernetes, follow the process outlined below.
First, create a namespace for the SOAVirt server to run in:
kubectl create namespace parasoft-sv-namespace |
Once the SOAVirt server has been licensed, deleting the namespace will invalidate machine-locked licenses, even if you recreate the same namespace. |
Next, a Persistent Volume and a Persistent Volume claim are needed. Create a Persistent Volume that can be shared by multiple nodes. It should be provisioned with 300GB of space and must have the ReadWriteMany access mode. This space will be used for the workspace of the SOAVirt server and will store configuration settings as well as Virtual Assets.
The default Persistent Volume Claim name is 'soavirt-pvc' and can be customized by updating the yaml definition of the SOAVirt server. The example shown below is a configuration to set up an NFS Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim. While the example uses NFS, this is not required; use whatever persistent volume type fits your needs.
Warning: The volume must have permissions for the Parasoft user to be able to read and write to the volume. For example, execute the command chown 1000:1000 <shared_path>
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: nfs-pv namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace spec: capacity: storage: 300Gi volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: nfs mountOptions: - hard - nfsvers=4.1 nfs: path: <path> server: <ip_address> --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: soavirt-pvc namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace spec: storageClassName: nfs accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 300Gi |
Use the yaml file to create a Persistent Volume and a Persistent Volume claim:
kubectl create -f soavirt-pv.yaml |
Create the service that can be used to access SOAVirt server in Kubernetes. The example shown below exposes it using a node port, which provides a stable endpoint for applications to access Virtual Assets.
kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: soavirt-service namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace spec: selector: tag: soavirt type: NodePort ports: - name: http protocol: TCP port: 9080 targetPort: 9080 nodePort: 30080 - name: events protocol: TCP port: 9617 targetPort: 9617 nodePort: 30617 - name: statistics protocol: TCP port: 9618 targetPort: 9618 nodePort: 30618 |
Use the yaml file to create service that can be used to access SOAVirt server in Kubernetes:
kubectl create -f soavirt-service.yaml |
Optional for Ingress users: To expose the service with Ingress, the following rule can be used with some modifications based on your Ingress setup. Be aware that Events and Statistics require TCP connections which may not be supported by all Ingress Controllers.
apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: soavirt-ingress namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: soavirt-service port: number: 9080 |
Use the yaml file to create the Ingress rule:
kubectl create -f soavirt-ingress.yaml |
Once the service is created, you will need to create the configuration map for the SOAVirt server and configure a network license or a local license. Note: When using a single replica set, a local license can be used, but when more than one replica set is being used, a license server is needed. See Using a Local License for more information about acquiring and applying a local license.
The server EULA must be accepted by setting 'parasoft.eula.accepted=true' in the ConfigMap.
Warning: When connecting to CTP the property 'server.hostname' should be set with the address of the Service.
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: soavirt-config namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace data: | # Configuration properties for soavirt server # === END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT === # Set to true to accept the end user license agreement # Please review the EULA.txt file included in the distribution zip for soavirt.war parasoft.eula.accepted=false # === WORKING DIRECTORY === # Specifies workspace location #working.dir=C:/Users/../workspace # === LOGGING CONFIGURATION === # Specifies configuration file for logging logging.config.file=/WEB-INF/default.logging.xml # Replace with the following line to enable debug information #logging.config.file=/WEB-INF/debug.logging.xml # === CTP SERVER === # Specifies CTP server endpoint #env.manager.server=http\://[CTP Server Host]\:8080 # Specifies the server name that will be displayed in CTP[Server Name] # Specifies username for CTP authentication #env.manager.username=[CTP Server Username] # Specifies password for CTP authentication #env.manager.password=[CTP Server Password] # Enables notifications to CTP for deployments #env.manager.notify=true # === SERVLET CONTAINER === # Specifies the hostname to use for remote access to this server # Useful when a name or address must be strictly used for CTP connectivity # If empty, the address will be auto-detected #server.hostname=[Server Hostname] # Specifies port for http # Port should match your servlet container server.port.http=9080 # Specifies port for https # Port should match your servlet container #server.port.https=8443 # === PRODUCT LICENSING === # Enables virtualize functionality virtualize.license.enabled=true # Enables soatest functionality soatest.license.enabled=true # === NODE-LOCK LICENSE === # Specifies password for virtualize local license #virtualize.license.local.password=[Virtualize License Password] # Specifies password for soatest local license #soatest.license.local.password=[Soatest License Password] # === NETWORK LICENSE === # Enables network licensing for virtualize virtualize.license.use_network=true # Specifies the type of network license for virtualize ['performance_server_edition', 'runtime_server_edition', 'custom_edition'] # Specifies features for virtualize 'custom_edition' license virtualize.license.custom_edition_features=Service Enabled, Performance, Extension Pack, Validate, Message Packs, Developer Sandbox 1000 Hits/Day, 10000 Hits/Day, 25000 Hits/Day, 50000 Hits/Day, 100000 Hits/Day, 500000 Hits/Day, 1 Million Hits/Day, Unlimited Hits/Day, 30 HPS, 100 HPS # Enables network licensing for soatest soatest.license.use_network=true # Specifies the type of network license for soatest ['server_edition', 'custom_edition'] # Specifies features for soatest 'custom_edition' license soatest.license.custom_edition_features=RuleWizard, Command Line, SOA, Web, Server API Enabled, Message Packs, Advanced Test Generation Desktop, Advanced Test Generation 5 Users, Advanced Test Generation 25 Users, Advanced Test Generation 100 Users, Requirements Traceability, API Security Testing # === LICENSE SERVER === # Enables using a specific license server # If true, the license network properties below will be used to retrieve a license # If false, the DTP server properties will be used to retrieve a license # Specifies license server URL, e.g., https://host[:port][/context-path]\://[License Server Host]\:8443 # Enables http authentication for the license server # Specifies username for license server authentication[License Server Username] # Specifies password for license server authentication[License Server Password] # === DTP SERVER === # Specifies DTP server URL, e.g., https://host[:port][/context-path] #dtp.url=https\://[DTP Server Host]\:8443 # Specifies username for DTP authentication #dtp.user=[DTP Server Username] # Specifies password for DTP authentication #dtp.password=[DTP Server Password] # Specifies the name of the DTP project that you want to link to #dtp.project=[DTP Project] # === MISC === # Specifies scripting timeout in minutes #scripting.timeout.minutes=10 # Enables logging telemetry data #usage.reporting.enabled=true # === OIDC === # Enables or disables user authentication via OpenID Connect #oidc.enabled=false # Specifies the URI of the OpenID Connect server #oidc.issuer.uri= # Specifies the ID provided by your OpenID Connect server # Specifies the method that will be used to authenticate the user on the OpenID Connect server #oidc.cli.mode=devicecode # Specifies the path to the token file containing user authentication information #oidc.devicecode.token.file= # === REPORTS === # Specifies a tag that represents a unique identifier for each run # e.g., ${config_name}-${project_module}-${scontrol_branch}-${exec_env} #session.tag=${config_name} # Specifies a build identifier used to label results${dtp_project}-yyyy-MM-dd # Specifies data that should be included in the report #report.developer_errors=true #report.developer_reports=true #report.authors_details=true #report.testcases_details=false #report.test_suites_only=true #report.failed_tests_only=false #report.output_details=false #report.env_details=false #report.organize_security_findings_by=CWE #report.associations=false #report.assoc.url.task= #report.assoc.url.req= #report.assoc.url.test= # Specifies report format configuration ['html', 'pdf', 'xml', 'custom'] report.format=html #report.custom.extension= #report.custom.xsl.file= # Specifies installation directory for Jtest or dotTEST that generates coverage report #jtest.install.dir= #dottest.install.dir= |
Use the yaml file to create the configuration map for the SOAVirt server:
kubectl create -f soavirt-config.yaml |
After creating the configuration map, you need to create the service account and required permissions.
apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: parasoft-account namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace automountServiceAccountToken: true --- apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: parasoft-read namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace rules: - apiGroups: - "*" resources: - "*" verbs: - get - read - list --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: parasoft-read-bind namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: parasoft-read subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: parasoft-account namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace |
Use the yaml file to create the service account and required permissions:
kubectl create -f parasoft-permissions.yaml |
You should see something similar to the output below in your console:
serviceaccount/parasoft-account created created created |
The following creates the SOAVirt server. If a custom Persistent Volume Claim name was used in previous steps, make sure to update the 'claimName' field to match the custom name.
Warning: When scaling beyond one replica, the events and statistics services should be disabled.
Note: kind: Deployment
is not supported. Use either kind: Pod
or kind: StatefulSet
, which are supported.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: soavirt namespace: parasoft-sv-namespace labels: tag: soavirt spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: tag: soavirt serviceName: soavirt template: metadata: labels: tag: soavirt spec: securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true serviceAccountName: parasoft-account automountServiceAccountToken: true volumes: - name: soavirt-pv persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: soavirt-pvc - name: soavirt-config configMap: name: soavirt-config containers: - name: soavirt image: parasoft/soavirt-server imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: soavirt-pv mountPath: /usr/local/parasoft/soavirt/webapps/ROOT/workspace - name: soavirt-config mountPath: /usr/local/parasoft/soavirt/webapps/ subPath: ports: - name: http containerPort: 9080 - name: events containerPort: 9617 - name: statistics containerPort: 9618 startupProbe: httpGet: path: /soavirt/api/v6/healthcheck port: 9080 initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 30 failureThreshold: 3 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /soavirt/api/v6/healthcheck port: 9080 initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 30 env: - name: CATALINA_OPTS value: " -Dparasoft.cloudvm=true -Dparasoft.cloudvm.config=Kubernetes" - name: PARASOFT_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: PARASOFT_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace |
Use the yaml file to create the SOAVirt server:
kubectl create -f soavirt.yaml |
Using a Local License: To use a node-lock license, you will need to retrieve the machine ID from the deployed server in order to procure your license from Parasoft.
Open a shell to the running container:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty soavirt-0 -n parasoft-sv-namespace -- /bin/bash |
Make a curl call to the SOAVirt REST API to retrieve the machine ID:
curl http://localhost:9080/soavirt/api/v6/status?fields=machineId |
Apply the updated soavirt-config.yaml to the running container:
kubectl apply -f soavirt-config.yaml |
The license will be applied when the pod is restarted automatically. Alternatively, you can delete and recreate the pod for the changes to take effect.
kubectl delete -f soavirt.yaml kubectl create -f soavirt.yaml |
You can take advantage of Helm charts to simplify the deployment of SOAVirt server. Helm is a client-side package that uses Helm charts to orchestrate Kubernetes deployments. Using a Helm chart lets you group and coordinate your yaml files so they can be created or deleted with a single command. For more information about using Helm, see Helm Documentation.
Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm should be installed before you begin.
First, create a namespace for the SOAVirt server to run in:
kubectl create namespace parasoft-sv-namespace |
Once the SOAVirt server has been licensed, deleting the namespace or changing the release-name will invalidate machine-locked licenses, even if you recreate the same namespace. |
Next, a Persistent Volume and a Persistent Volume claim are needed. Create a Persistent Volume that can be shared by multiple nodes. It should be provisioned with 300GB of space and must have the ReadWriteMany access mode. This space will be used for the workspace of the SOAVirt server and will store configuration settings as well as Virtual Assets.
Warning: The volume must have permissions for the Parasoft user to be able to read and write to the volume. For example, execute the command chown 1000:1000 <shared_path>
Update the values.yaml found in the soavirt-server-helm
directory extracted above. At a minimum, the persistence
value must be changed to match the name of the Persistent Volume claim configured in Prerequisites above.
persistence: name: soavirt-pvc |
Other values, such as the replica count
and namespace
, can be changed if necessary.
Update the config.yaml found in the soavirt-server-helm/templates
directory extracted above. At the minimum, the parasoft.eula.accepted
value must be updated to true
to accept the EULA:
parasoft.eula.accepted: false |
Other values can be changed if necessary. For example, if you are using a network license, update these fields:
# === PRODUCT LICENSING === # Enables virtualize functionality #virtualize.license.enabled: true # Enables soatest functionality #soatest.license.enabled: true # === NETWORK LICENSE === # Enables network licensing for virtualize #virtualize.license.use_network: true # Specifies the type of network license for virtualize ['performance_server_edition', 'runtime_server_edition', 'custom_edition'] custom_edition # Specifies features for virtualize 'custom_edition' license #virtualize.license.custom_edition_features: Service Enabled, Performance, Extension Pack, Validate, Message Packs, Extension Framework, Developer Sandbox 1000 Hits/Day, 10000 Hits/Day, 25000 Hits/Day, 50000 Hits/Day, 100000 Hits/Day, 500000 Hits/Day, 1 Million Hits/Day, Unlimited Hits/Day, 30 HPS, 100 HPS # Enables network licensing for soatest #soatest.license.use_network: true # Specifies the type of network license for soatest ['server_edition', 'custom_edition'] custom_edition # Specifies features for soatest 'custom_edition' license #soatest.license.custom_edition_features: RuleWizard, Command Line, SOA, Web, Server API Enabled, Message Packs, Advanced Test Generation Desktop, Advanced Test Generation 5 Users, Advanced Test Generation 25 Users, Advanced Test Generation 100 Users, Requirements Traceability, API Security Testing, Extension Framework # === LICENSE SERVER === # Enables using a specific license server # If true, the license network properties below will be used to retrieve a license # If false, the DTP server properties will be used to retrieve a license false # Specifies license server URL, e.g., https://host[:port][/context-path] https\://[License Server Host]\:8443 # Enables http authentication for the license server false # Specifies username for license server authentication [License Server Username] # Specifies password for license server authentication [License Server Password] |
Install a helm chart:
helm install my-release soavirt-server-helm |
Using a Local License: To use a node-lock license, you will need to retrieve the machine ID from the deployed server in order to procure your license from Parasoft and update the config.yaml.
Open a shell to the running container:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty my-release-soavirt-server-0 -n parasoft-sv-namespace -- /bin/bash |
Make a curl call to the SOAVirt REST API to retrieve the machine ID:
curl http://localhost:9080/soavirt/api/v6/status?fields=machineId |
Once you've received your license password, update the config.yaml found in the soavirt-server-helm/templates
directory extracted earlier to accept a machine-locked license:
# === NODE-LOCK LICENSE === # Specifies password for virtualize local license #virtualize.license.local.password: [Virtualize License Password] # Specifies password for soatest local license #soatest.license.local.password: [Soatest License Password] # === NETWORK LICENSE === # Enables network licensing for virtualize #virtualize.license.use_network: true # Enables network licensing for soatest #soatest.license.use_network: true |
Reinstall the Helm chart for the changes to take effect.
helm uninstall my-release helm install my-release soavirt-server-helm |