The embedded data repository server was updated in SOAtest and Virtualize 2022.1.0. Any embedded repositories created in previous versions of the application must be migrated to the new server before they can be used in the current version. The migration process is automated with a utility available on the Parasoft Marketplace.


Preparing for Migration

  1. Download the Data Repository Pack from the Parasoft Marketplace.
  2. Install the SOAtest/Virtualize desktop 2022.1 or later.

Migrating Repositories

  1. Open the existing SOAtest/Virtualize workspace using SOAtest/Virtualize desktop 2022.1 or newer.
  2. Extract the contents of the file in the Data Repository Pack you downloaded previously.
  3. Open the command prompt or a terminal window.
  4. Run the following command:
  5. Open and refresh the Data Repositories view in the SOAtest/Virtualize desktop and confirm the repositories were migrated successfully.

Once the migration has run successfully, the new repository will be located in <WorkspaceFolder>\.metadata\EmbeddedDataRepository. You can delete the legacy data found in <WorkspaceFolder>\.metadata\DataRepository.