Obtaining Live Online Support (Windows only)

The Parasoft support team is available online to answer your questions. This live support allows you to chat in real-time with the support team and perform desktop sharing if needed. To receive live online support, go to http://www.parasoft.com/jsp/pr/live_experts.jsp. This live tech support feature currently supports only the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Creating a Support Case

You can file a support case directly at https://parasoft.force.com/customerportal/CommunityNewCasePage.

Contacting us via Phone or E-mail

USA Headquarters
Tel: (888) 305-0041 or (626) 256-3680\
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +31-70-3922000
Email: [email protected]

Tel:+33 (0) 64 89 26 00
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +49 731 880309-0
Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44 208 263 6005
Email: [email protected]

Other Locations
See http://www.parasoft.com/contacts