C++test’s Test Case Explorer view organizes all test cases associated with the project into one tab.
2. Open the following path in the Test Case Explorer: ATM> tests> autogenerated> TestSuite_ATM_cxx_ . . . (the expression to the right shows number of files tested out of available).
3. Double-click the test_ATM_1 test case node to open it in the editor.
The beginning and end of the test cases are marked with comments. Initialization, test call, and post condition output entries are also generated.
4. Make any changes to your code and click the Refresh icon button in the Test Case Explorer menu to update the view. To provide optimum performance, Test Case Explorer information may not update dynamically.
5. Click the Filters icon button and select the information you want to show or hide.
6. Right-click on a test case and choose Disable or Enable to disable or enabled individual tests, groups of tests, or entire test suites.