To import a Keil uVision project, you need the original uVision project configured to generate a .bat build file. To do this:
Once a .bat build file is generated, import the project into C/C++test as follows:
The imported project will have a suitable compiler configuration preselected.
A Keil uVision project can also be imported in the command-line mode by using the following option:
-uv <.uv2 or .uvproj file location>
If you want to change the default import settings, you can specify new ones in a plain text options file. This is described in Settings (Options) Files.
In order to successfully analyze the source code, C/C++test needs to be started with the environment prepared for uVision compilation tools. The RVCT compiler and uVision debugger (Uv3.exe or Uv4.exe) locations have to be added to the $PATH variable before launching C/C++test GUI/CLI. The recommended practice is to use a uVision3-generated .bat build file for extracting the environment settings. |
To test code that compiles with the Keil 7.0 for C166 compiler, you must your Keil uVision 4.0 project
[path to]\cpptesttrace.exe --cpptesttraceProjectName=[project name] --cpptesttraceOutputFile=[project name].bdf --cpptesttraceQuoteCmdLineMode=sq "[path to]\Uv4.EXE" -r [project file]
.The file extension case may change for some source files generated with the Keil C166 IDE. This will cause source file to be skipped during analysis.