Keil MDK-ARM can integrate with both C/C++test standalone and the C/C++test Eclipse plugin. It does not require any special integration steps.

C/C++test is preconfigured to support Keil’s set of compilers and use them with complete Keil uVision projects that are imported into the C/C++test workspace.

Supported Environments

C++test supports:

MDK-ARM 4.11 or higher is required in order to use fully-automated C/C++test Test Configurations that make a use of ITM based communication channel (i.e., Test Configuartions that are in the Builtin>Embedded>Keil uVision category and have the "(ITM)" name suffix).

Supported Compilers

See Compilers for information about supported compilers.


For C/C++test itself, the standard rules apply. CDT is already installed with C/C++test standalone, so no additional extensions are needed. But if you are using an Eclipse plugin, then you must also install the CDT (C++ Development Tools) extension into Eclipse. See Installation for details.

To allow testing with RealView MDK compilers, the compilers must be visible in the environment. To establish this visibility, ensure that the compiler executable location is added to the system PATH variable. For example, to use the armcc compiler, you need to add the <MKD install dir>\ARM\BIN31 path for uVision3 — or <MKD install dir>\ARM\BIN40 for uVision4 — to the PATH variable.

Optionally, you can modify the Compiler Family definition in the project properties and replace the compiler executable names with full paths.