1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences... > Reports.
  2. In the Report Format section, choose HTML (C/C++test’s Unit Testing details) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Apply and Close.
  4. Select the ATM project as the test scope and choose Parasoft> Test Configurations> User-Defined> Run Unit Tests (Project Scope).
  5. Open the Execution> Runtime tab and enable the following options: 
  6. Click Run Test.
  7. Go to the test progress tab (the tab has the same name as the test configuration you're running).
  8. Click the Generate Report button in the upper right corner of the test progress tab to open the Report & Publish dialog.

  9. In the Report & Publish dialog, configure the Report location provide the path to the location where the report will be stored.
  10. Enable the Open in browser and Generate Reports options.
  11. Click OK. A summary report will be generated and opened in the editor window for review. Alternatively, you can go to the report location you configured and manually open the HTML report in a web browser.
  12. Click on a user name in the Tasks by Author section to view a detailed report for that user.
  13. Click LC Detailed Report in the Coverage Summary section to view a detailed coverage report.

  14. Review the coverage information. You can  use the tree in the left panel to navigate to the code of interest by clicking on a filename. The detailed report displays color coding of covered, not covered, and partially covered lines of code.
  15. Click View Report in the Test Execution Details column in the Additional Reports section to view the Test Execution Details report.

  16. Review the Test Execution Details report.