Generate test cases for the remainder of the project files to run unit tests on all project files. Select the root node (ATM project) in the project tree to select to generate test suites for all source and header files in the project per the test configuration setup.

  1. Generate unit tests for all files:
    1. Select the ATM project in the project tree as the test scope.
    2. Choose Parasoft> Test Using> User-Defined> Generate Unit Tests - 2 tests.
  2. Review the Test Progress tab.
  3. Select the ATM project as the test scope and choose Parasoft> Test Using> User-Defined> Run Unit Tests (Project Scope) to run all of the generated tests for the project.
  4. Review the Test Progress tab’s summary of the unit test execution. You can expand the scope and execution sections to view summary information on code involved, test case results, and coverage results. Use the same methods as above to fix any problems encountered and to drive coverage requirements.