The Write File tool can convert output data to files. You can add the Write File tool to API testing and service virtualization components the output data, such as test assets, message responders, and other tools. This tool is also available in the desktop tools. See Write File for additional information.
Target name: Specify a name for the target file or use wildcards. Acceptable wildcards include:
%b | Base name of the original file (no extension). |
%f | Original file name (with extension). |
%e | Extension of original file name. |
%u | Unique time-based ID. |
%d | Current date. |
%t: | Current time. |
%n | Test name. |
%i | Row index. |
You can also enable the following options for the target directory:
Create directories | Enable to allow the tool to create directories in the target directory. |
Override directory from input | Enable to allow the tool to always save files in the location specified in the Target directory field. If this option is not enabled, the tool will try to save the file in the source file’s directory; if the tool cannot write to that directory, it will save the file in the location specified in the Target directory field. |
Backup file before overwriting | Enable to allow the tool to backup files that are created before a modified file from a subsequent run is saved over the previous version. |
Use UTF-8 encoding | Enable to configure UTF-8 encoding for the file. |
Append | Enable to append new content to the existing file instead of overwriting it. |
Beautify XML output | Enable to properly format XML that is collected and written to the file. |