C/C++test uses the following exit codes:

0Successful completion.
130Command-line is malformed or refers to a resource that does not exist.
131The workspace is busy.
134A license problem has been encountered.
135The process exited with an exception. Check error log.
0x11Other violations. This exit code is only applicable when running cpptestcli with the -fail switch.
0x21Static analysis violations. This exit code is only applicable when running cpptestcli with the -fail switch.
0x41Unit test violations. This exit code is only applicable when running cpptestcli with the -fail switch.
0x401Setup problems were reported. This exit code is only applicable when running cpptestcli with the -fail switch and requires the cpptest.fail.setup.problems=true option to be configured in the configuration file where you specify settings (see Configuring Settings).

1 The process can exit with a combination of these values if problems of different types are encountered.