This topic explains how to build a custom integration to any source control system you want to integrate with C/C++test. In this section:

C/C++test ships with support for most common version control / source control systems, such as SVN or Git; see Connecting to Source Control for details. In addition, it provides an open Source Control API, which allows other source control tools to integrate with C/C++test.
API Javadoc
C/C++test provides Source Control API documentation that includes Javadoc documentation for all classes and interfaces that must be implemented. The Javadoc documentation is available in following locations:
C/C++test installed as a standalone application: <INSTALL_DIR>\ide\eclipse\plugins\com.parasoft.ptest.sourcecontrol.eclipse.core_<version>\openapi\
C/C++test installed as Eclipse plugin: <ECLIPSE_DIR>\plugins\com.parasoft.ptest.sourcecontrol.eclipse.core_<version>\
Main Interfaces
The interface that connects and creates all required implementation is com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.openapi.IVersionControlFactory.
This factory provides specific implementation for the following interfaces:
- com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.openapi.IRepositoryDetector
- com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.openapi.IVersionControl
- com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.openapi.IVersionControlHelper
Implementation and Compilation
The source control API and all related classes are located in the jar file in [INSTALL_DIR]\plugins\com.parasoft.xtest.libs/Parasoft/sourcecontrol.jar.
Before you can compile, you may need to add the following additional jar files to your classpath:
- [INSTALL_DIR]\com.parasoft.xtest.libs/Parasoft/util.jar
- [INSTALL_DIR]\com.parasoft.xtest.libs/Parasoft/common.jar
- [INSTALL_DIR]\com.parasoft.xtest.libs/Parasoft/preference_api.jar
To implement a custom integration:
- Create a project in any location.
- Add the required jars to the project's classpath.
- Start implementing custom version control support. Begin with the IVersionControlFactory implementation and incrementally add the required classes.
Deployment and Verification
After implementation is completed:
- Create a single jar file containing all of the required classes. There are no specific rules concerning the jar file name or package names etc.
- Copy your jar file into the following location in the Parasoft Test installation directory: <INSTALL_DIR>\plugins\com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.eclipse.core\ext.
- Restart C/C++test.
- Verify the implementation as follows:
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences> Source Control.
- Ensure that Use DTP settings is cleared.
- Verify that a checkbox with your implementation name appears among the builtin version controls.
- Select the checkbox for your implementation, click New, add the required properties, and then click Apply.
- Go to the Preferences> Scope and Authorship page and verify that Use source control to compute scope is enabled.
- Open a file controlled by your version control system, right-click anywhere in the file’s source code, then choose Show author at line. You should see valid version control author information.
Sample Implementation
C/C++test provides a sample implementation for the Source Control Open API. A zipped package is located in <INSTALL_DIR>plugins\com.parasoft.xtest.sourcecontrol.eclipse.core\openapi\demo\.
After you extract the file, the following directory structure should be created:
- open_api_demo/demo.jar - Contains a compiled version of the demo source control implementation for Eclipse.
- open_api_demo/demo.dll - Contains a compiled version of the demo source control implementation for Visual Studio 2005 or later.
- open_api_demo/src/* - This is the source code for the Open API demo implementation.
- open_api_demo/local_repository/* - This is a sample Eclipse project for demonstration purposes.
The demo was compiled using JDK 1.6.0_29.
You can compile and deploy it using the procedures described in the preceding section.
To play with the demo:
- Deploy the demo.jar file.
- Unpack the local repository to any location.
- Restart C/C++test.
- Import the demo local repository project into your workspace.
- Under Parasoft> Preferences> Source Control, enable the demo implementation.

- Click New and provide the required properties; then click Check Connection to verify the connection with the server.

- Open a file, right-click anywhere in the file’s source code, then choose Show author at line. You should see valid version control author information.