This topic helps you troubleshoot problems you might experience with C/C++test.
C/C++test analyzes C/C++ source files directly and header files indirectly. Based on the current selection, C/C++test will analyze all C/C++ source files and report violations for all source and header files from the selection (only for header files included by the source files).
For example:
Choose Parasoft> Preferences, select Console, then select the desired verbosity level (High, Normal, Low).
High Verbosity | Normal Verbosity | Low Verbosity | |
Basic info about the current step’s name and status (done, failed, up-to-date) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Errors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Warnings | Yes | No | No |
Command Lines | Yes | Yes | No |
Violations printed out during static analysis and unit testing execution | Yes, full-format | Yes, short-format | No |
You cancustomize the amount of allocated memory with the CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS option by specifying the value of the -Xmx
setting. This may be particularly useful for when you perform static analysis or report results to DTP. See Configuring Advanced Options for details.
If C/C++test runs out of memory when generating the report, see What if C/C++test runs out of memory when generating the report?.
See Preparing a Support Archive.
Changes in the network environment may affect the interface that is used to compute your machine ID and result in machine ID instability. You can use the PARASOFT_SUPPORT_NET_INTERFACES environment variable to specify a stable interface and prevent the machine ID from floating.
Set the variable value to a stable Ethernet network interface. Do not use virtual, temporary or loopback interfaces.
- On Windows: Set the value to the MAC address of your network card. You can use the ipconfig -all
command to obtain the address. For example:
- On Linux: Set the value to one of the network interfaces from the "inet" or "inet6" family. You can use the ifconfig
command to obtain the list of available interfaces. For example:
If the problem persists, you can obtain diagnostic information by setting up the environment variable PARASOFT_DEBUG_NET_INTERFACES and setting its value to true. This will print to the standard output the checking procedure that can be shared with technical support, as well as the interface that is used to compute your machine ID. The interface will be marked with the [SELECTED] prefix.
If your Machine ID is WIN32-0, remove the license file located in <DRIVE>:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.parasoft\C++test\10.x\license.
Suppressions associated with rules whose messages changed between releases may not be available on DTP and the rules must be re-suppressed.
You can restore legacy messages for BD category rules in version 10.4.1 and later by configuring the following advanced option (see Configuring Advanced Options):
CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS="-property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.<rule_ID>=true"
For example:
CPPTEST_ENGINE_EXTRA_ARGS="-property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.BD.PB.ARRAY=true -property flowanalysis.legacy.messages.for.BD.PB.ZERO=true" |
To successfully restore the legacy messages, ensure that you remove the .cpptest folder that contains the local C/C++test cache data from following location: <workspace_location>/.cpptest/.dtpengine/.cpptes
Installing or updating extensions or other Visual Studio components may corrupt Visual Studio's Component Model Cache, which can prevent C++test from launching. To clear the Component Model Cache, try to run cpptestcli
with the -clearcmc
To ensure the analysis completes, you can do one of the following:
The setup problem that specifies the file (or files) that was not found when collecting static coverage data indicates that the local path of the file is different from its build-time path.
As a workaround, you can use the CPPTEST_COVERAGE_SRC_ROOT
environment variable to map the original path to the local path:
You can use '*' as an accepted wildcard in the original path. For example:
You can also specify a list of path mappings in a list file (*.lst) and set its location as the value. For example:
Each item in the *.lst file is treated as a separate entry.
When generating a report, specify a report configuration file that contains the following entry:
Reports generated by Parasoft products require a sans-serif font to be available in your environment. If your report fails to correctly display some characters, such as national characters, ensure that a sans-serif font is installed on your system.
C/C++test uses a separate JVM to generate reports after code is tested. You can increase the amount of memory allocated for generating C/C++test reports by configuring the
system property, for example: |
You can configure the JVM that generates reports to use Java with a larger maximum memory size by setting the
system property, for example: Files/Java/jdk-12.0.1 |
C/C++test cannot generate test cases when project caching is enabled in Visual Studio 2017. To ensure that test cases can be generated, disable project caching:
To ensure that all Parasoft options are working in the Solution Explorer context menu, the following Visual Studio Workloads must be installed with your Visual Studio 2017 or later:
In Visual Studio 2017 and 2019, performance management monitors and manages extensions that can affect startup time. As a result, a pop-up alert may appear when Parasoft Plugin is installed to indicate that Visual Studio startup time has increased. You can click the 'Manage performance' link in the pop-up window to review the startup times and disable displaying the alert.
Visual Studio may mark correct code elements in test suites with a red underline to indicate potential errors when IntelliSense, Visual Studio's native code completion, is unable to recognize C/C++test-specific syntax. To prevent this, you can do one of the following:
Wrap the code in your test suite (s) with the following directives:
#ifndef __INTELLISENSE__ //this code block will not be analyzed by IntelliSense #endif |