This topic explains how to set the license.
C/C++test can run on either a local or a network license. The local license is machine-locked and cannot be transferred. The network license is retrieved from Parasoft DTP or a Standalone License Server, which store and distribute license tokens for Parasoft products.
By default, C/C++test is configured to retrieve the license from the same DTP server that you configured for your development testing workflow (see Connecting to DTP). Alternatively, you can obtain your license from:
You can configure your license by specifying the options in the GUI or by manually adding the license settings to a file where settings are stored (see Setting the License in a Local File or a DTP Project).
You must accept the Parasoft End User License Agreement (EULA) to use C/C++test Professional. You will be prompted to agree to the terms of EULA during C/C++test installation or on the first startup. If you are using C/C++test's command line interface, you can accept the EULA by adding the following line to your settings file:
The Parasoft EULA is available in the C/C++test installation directory and at |
If your team or organization manages Parasoft licensing via License Server on DTP, connecting to DTP automatically enables your network license; see Connecting to DTP.
To customize the options or retrieve the license from another License Server:
Click the Configure link to open the Network License Settings dialog
Enable the Use the following License Server option to retrieve your license form a custom License Server. You can configure one of the following:
Standalone License Server
License Server on a secondary DTP
8080 (on Linux) and 80 (on Windows) for http://
If DTP is deployed to a location other than the root of the host server, the URL should include a context path (a relative path from the host name; for example: This may be the case if your organization uses a reverse proxy. Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about reverse proxy server configuration and context path configuration.
b. Enable the Use authentication option.
c. Enter the username and password.
8. Click OK.
9 .Click Apply. The License preferences page will display the features that you are licensed to use.
10. Click OK to set and save your license.
You can borrow a network license token to use C/C++test when DTP is inaccessible, for example, during travel or when the machine hosting DTP is being upgraded.
When you borrow a license, one of the license tokens available on DTP is locked to your machine for the specified amount of time. Licenses can be borrowed from 1 hour to 14 days.
To borrow a license, enable the Borrow option in the License panel and specify the number of days and hours you are going to use the license.
If you want to deactivate a license, choose Parasoft> License> Deactivate License. To reactivate it, choose Parasoft> License> Activate License.
If you want your license to automatically deactivate after 30 minutes of inactivity, enable the Start deactivated, release automatically when idle option. When the license is deactivated:
You can configure C/C++test to wait for a license token to be released if there is no C/C++test license token is currently available on License Server. Configure the following option in the settings file: In the following example, C/C++test will wait 3 minutes for License Server to provide a license token: For details on the command line mode and settings options, see Configuring Settings as well as Testing from the Command Line Interface. |
To receive a local license, you need to provide your Parasoft representative with your machine ID. You can obtain the Machine ID in one of the following ways:
cpptestcli -machineid
. Your Machine ID will be displayed in the output message.Once you have your license key, you can configure your license:
You can configure your license by specifying licensing settings in the key=value
format. You can specify the settings in one of the following places:
See Configuring Settings for the list of available licensing settings and the information on how to create a text file with settings.
If OpenID Connect is enabled for your secondary DTP server or standalone License Server, configure the connection to the OpenID Connect server; see Configuring OpenID Connect in the Command Line. |
You can save the time and effort of manual license configuration in the GUI by configuring the licensing settings in a parasofttest.ini file. C/C++test will read that file on startup when launched in the GUI mode and update the GUI settings accordingly.
Create a parasofttest.ini file in the installation directory of Parasoft Test (Parasoft Test is a component of C/C++test Professional). Your file path may resemble the following:C:\Program Files\Parasoft\Test\10.5\parasofttest.ini.
Example 1: Network license from the primary DTP
dtp.enabled=true dtp.url= dtp.user=user1 dtp.password=mypassword cpptest.license.use_network=true |
Example 2: Network license on a standalone License Server
cpptest.license.use_network=true |
Example 3: Network license from the secondary DTP
cpptest.license.use_network=true! |
Example 4: Local license
cpptest.license.use_network=false cpptest.license.local.password=PARASOFT_353E2A4B2FF142B0A262AF62B9DEC3449C124773BAF0B4B508FF21139E867D9772F3702716FCE6D8EA16ACE668DE0EE629D1571359920 3BD85CE1213_7937E7ED374E70FDD62EE841EB465019E64BF3EF3A87DE6B67FB10 BBCAFF70D9420AC574FC5B3E5EB7241B20506DE2C60B0D80462CBEDBD |
The password determines the license features that are enabled.