You can add new test configurations in DTP and share them with connected code analysis and test execution tools (C/C++test, dotTEST, Jtest). See the documentation for your Parasoft tool for additional information using a test configurations during analysis.

  1. Open the Test Configurations page (see Test Configurations Overview).
  2. Click the new test configuration icon.

  3. Enter a name when prompted and click Save.
  4. Configure the options and rules (see Configuring Test Configurations) and click Save.

Uploading Existing Test Configurations

You can also upload existing test configurations, such as test configurations exported from a Parasoft tool.

  1. Click the upload icon.

  2. Browse for and select your configuration file when prompted.
  3. Enter a name for the configuration and click Upload. The following characters are not allowed: <>"', and &.

The new test configuration file is added to DTP and can be distributed to Parasoft tool users. See Configuring Test Configurations for information on enabling and disabling rules or changing other configuration properties.