This topic explains how to configure message proxies that send and receive messages over an HTTP Proxy that routes traffic based on the “Host” header.  HTTP Forward proxies are best used with Mobile applications where the backend service endpoint is not configurable or in applications under test when there is no configuration option available to change the host and port used to connect to a backend service.

In this section: 

Connection Settings

To specify HTTP Forward proxy connection options, set the following service and listening details.

Proxy Settings (incoming) 

These settings specify where messages from the client should connect in order to communicate with the application under test. 

Forward proxy

You can choose a Forward Proxy HTTP Listener that you defined when creating the proxy (see Creating Proxies) from the drop-down menu or add a new Forward Proxy HTTP Listener.

To add Forward Proxy HTTP Listeners from this dialog:

  1. Click New.
  2. Specify a name and port for the listener.
  3. Click OK.

Enter the host name of the service whose traffic you want to monitor. This determines which hosts are recorded, sent to the live service, or sent to a virtual asset. 

To allow monitoring for all traffic, select "[All]" from the drop-down menu.


Enter a path that you want to monitor on the resource. This works in conjunction with what has been entered in the Host field to match incoming requests.

Wild cards are not allowed. To match all paths on the host, leave this field blank or select "[All]" from the drop-down menu.

In the event that there are multiple proxy connections configured that could match to an incoming request, the one with the combination of best host match and longest matching path is selected, with the host match being the more heavily weighted factor. For example, suppose there was an incoming target URL of "" and four proxies that could match to it:

  1. Host: parabank
    Path: /parabank
  2. Host: parabank.parasoft
    Path: /parabank/services/bank/customers
  3. Host:
    Path: /parabank/services_proxy
  4. Host:
    Path: /parabank/services

In a situation like that, proxy #4 would be selected because, even though #2 has the more exact Path match, #4 has the better Host match and, unlike #3, at least a partial Path match.

Primary Connection (outgoing) & Secondary Connection (outgoing)

Service URLContains the full URL for the target application (comprising the service host, service port, and forward path). You can enter a complete URL here and/or edit specific components in the associated fields. Updates made in one area will be propagated to the other (for example, if you modify the port in the Service URL field, the value in the Service port field will be updated automatically). 
Service host

Enter the host name of the machine where the service resides. This is the machine to which the proxy will send messages.

If you want the proxy to forward to a virtual asset on the local server without consuming an HTTP connection, enter host.virt.internal, localhost, or rather than the actual hostname. When using localhost or, the service port must match the port Virtualize is deployed on; when using host.virt.internal the service port is not used. For example, a virtual asset deployed on http://localhost:9080/myVirtualAsset can also be reached using http://host.virt.internal/myVirtualAsset.

The Service host may also be set to "[Passthrough]," which will route the request to the original host requested by the client, or "[Virtualize]," which will instead route the request to Virtualize to be handled by a Virtual Asset or Message Proxy. Select either option from the drop-down menu.

Service portEnter the port where the service is listening. This is the port to which the proxy will send messages.
Service forward path

(Optional) Enter the path to which the proxy should forward the messages that it receives. If blank, the proxy will forward messages along the original incoming path without modification.

If the proxy is sending messages to localhost, you must enter a Service forward path as the proxy doesn't allow forwarding to itself. 

If the Service forward path sends a redirect, the proxy will follow the redirect and then respond back. It will not pass the redirect back to the client.


Mode: Allows you to set the active forwarding connection when a primary and secondary connection exist. For example, during a recording session, a message proxy may forward to the live service as the primary connection and fall back to a virtual service as a secondary connection. In this case, you can set the HTTP mode to Primary and enable Use other connection if selected mode fails.

Once recording is complete and new virtual assets are generated, you may want to re-configure the proxy to forward to the virtual service first and fall back to the live service if a failure occurs. This change can be quickly applied by right-clicking the proxy and switching the HTTP mode to "secondary". The failover will be adjusted accordingly at runtime.

Use other connection if selected mode fails: Enable this option if you want traffic to be redirected to the backup proxy endpoint when the active connection (as determined by the Mode selected above) fails. The connection will be considered "failed" if the response status code is 400 level or higher.

If this option is not enabled, the active connection will be used for recording.

If this option is enabled, select a recording option from the Record dropdown:

Example: Sending Traffic to a Service

Assume that we want to create a message for a service that is normally accessed at We could create an HTTP Forward proxy with the settings: 

This configuration will watch for traffic sent to host "" and pass traffic to the live service as usual.

If we wanted to redirect traffic to a different service host and port, we could change the configuration of the proxy as follows:

This will route traffic intended for to a different service on

Example: Sending Traffic to a Virtual Asset

A proxy can also send traffic to a virtual asset. By using a local virtual host like host.virt.internal or the built-in "[Virtualize]" option as the Service host, we can forward to a virtual asset on the local server without consuming an HTTP connection (see Primary Connection (outgoing) & Secondary Connection (outgoing) above for more information).

One way to do this is to change the primary outgoing connection to host.virt.internal to send traffic to a virtual asset on a local server: 

Alternatively, since the secondary connection is configured to point to a local virtual asset by default, another option would be to simply change the Mode from Primary to Secondary.