The Messaging Client tool sends payloads over HTTP to the server. It is very useful for non-SOAP clients, such as XML servlets and proprietary web services that have their own specifications.It can be used to test a service, test the communication between the client and server, and check the content of the HTTP messages.In addition, the Messaging Client can be used for REST style services.For more information, see Testing RESTful Services.The REST Client tool can also be used to send messages to RESTful services. For more details, see REST Client.

To send a message using the Messaging Client tool, you need to tell SOAtest or Virtualize what message to send and how to send it. This is done by specifying the following parameters in the tool’s configuration panel.

This topic explains how to configure and apply the Messaging Client tool that sends HTTP messages to servers. Sections include:

General Options

Specifying options at the top of the configuration panel allows SOAtest and/or Virtualize to populate the Request tab with items that make it easier for you to specify the request message. You can specify the following schema settings:

Request Options

From the Request tab of the Messaging Client tool, you can select input modes from the Input Mode drop-down list. The Messaging Client tool shares Input Mode options with the SOAP Client tool and Message Stub tool. For more information on these shared options, see Input Modes.

Note that in addition to the usual options, you can also use a table view, which is designed for posting form parameters. For details, see Table Input Options.

Transport Options

The Transport options allow you to determine whether the client sends requests using HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, JMS, SonicMQ, WebSphere MQ, RMI, SMTP, or TIBCO protocols—or a custom protocol (To select a custom method, choose CUSTOM then enter the name of your custom method in the Value field that displays). To configure the properties of each protocol, select the appropriate protocol from the Transport drop-down list.

For more information, see the following sections:


The following options are available in the Misc tab of the Messaging Client tool:

Related Tutorials

The following tutorial lesson demonstrates how to use this tool: