The Team Server features and functionality described on this page have been deprecated.

This topic explains how to define and share a policy for your group.

Sections include:

Defining a Group Policy

In SOAtest a policy consists of a set of assertions or rules. SOAtest enforces a policy by creating tests that check those rules. When creating tests from WSDL with a policy file, SOAtest creates "policy enforcer" tests.

SOAtest ships with a default policy file that addresses the key concerns for a web service in an SOA, such as interoperability and compliance to industry standards, as well as maintainability and best practices. We strongly recommend that the team’s architect customize this policy to suit the team’s specific needs.

To define a custom SOA policy:

  1. Select File> New> Policy Configuration.
  2. Specify a name and location for the policy, then click Finish.
  3. From the Policy Configuration panel, you can:
  4. Click Save to save the custom policy to the location you previously specified. The policy configuration you define can be used later to automatically create tests to enforce policies as described in Enforcing Policies on WSDLs, Schemas, and SOAP Messages.

Sharing Policy Files across the Group

Once you have created your policy configuration files and custom rules, they can be shared so that all team members will have access to them in their own testing environments. Policy configuration files can be uploaded to the deprecated Team Server through the Team Server web interface as described in the Team Server user’s guide. Rules can be also added to Team Server by choosing Parasoft> Explore> Team Server (deprecated), then opening the Rules tab and uploading rules.

You can also share policy configuration files via source control.