This chapter describes how to import test data from DTP or an .xml report file into your IDE. In this section:
Importing test results enables each developer or tester to review his or her assigned tasks in the GUI and respond to them in the Quality Tasks view. If you cannot choose a filter from the filter configuration drop-down menu, verify that you have appropriate access in DTP (see "Project Creation and Configuration" in the DTP documentation for additional information).
When results are imported, test results are shown in the GUI as if the test were run in the GUI. After the import, you can drill down into results in the normal manner, double-click task messages to open and edit the related line of source code, use any applicable "Quick Fixes" to correct reported problems, and so forth.
You can import a specific category of tasks, tasks for specific goals, or all tasks. You can only import results for projects that are currently in your workbench. If the tested project files were modified in your workbench since the test was run, the results will not be reported because they might not correspond to your modified version of the project files.
The filter must be configured in order to download findings from DTP (see Connecting to DTP).
Prior to importing data from DTP, you should configure the Quality Tasks preferences so that only the test and analysis results relevant to you are imported. In the preferences panel, choose Parasoft> Preferences> Quality Tasks.
The following importing preferences are available:
Choose Parasoft> Import> DTP or Local File or URL....
If you choose DTP, the download will begin immediately.
If you choose Local File or URL..., you will be prompted to browse for the report XML file.
To import an XML report that's in a legacy format (that is, one created in a version of the application prior to 2021.2 or one created while legacy report format was enabled in 2021.2 or later), you will need to enable the legacy report format. For more information about enabling legacy report format, see Configuring Report Settings. |
If the imported findings are associated with a file that has been modified, a message appears specifying the file(s) that are out of sync. The markers associated with these findings (including the line numbers) may not match the location in the local resource files or may indicate findings that have already been resolved.
Findings associated with resources missing locally are not imported and the displayed message lists the files that are unavailable
To access Parasoft Report Center reports based on information from tests and other sources:
Choose Parasoft> Explore> Report Center Reports or open the reports as described in your Parasoft Report Center User’s Guide.