As you’re adding a test scenario, you might want to perform a quick "one off" test run before creating a test job or adding it to a component. For example, you might do this to confirm whether a test scenario works as expected, experiment with different variable settings, or generate sample request/response traffic for use in other validation and service virtualization tools. Note that:
To quickly execute any existing test scenario, just open the test scenario’s editor and click the Execute button.
As the test scenario executes, progress will be reported in the area to the right of the Execute button.
Additionally, a status indicator will be added to the test scenarios tree.
Once the test scenario is completed, the area to the right of the Execute button will indicate test status and link to the report.
In addition, a Traffic Viewer tool will automatically be added for each SOAP Client, REST Client, and Messaging Client tool that was executed. To see the request and response traffic related to a tool, select the corresponding Traffic Viewer tool in the tree.
The Traffic Viewer tool will then show request and response traffic.
Note that you can toggle between a literal text view (Text) and a hierarchical XML/JSON (Tree) view.