
Refer to the SOAtest and Virtualize Compatibility with CTP section for version cross-compatibility.

Integrating Virtualize Server with CTP

 Connecting Virtualize to CTP is required for:

A Service Enabled license is required to connect to CTP.

To connect a Virtualize Server to CTP:

  1. In your Virtualize Server, choose Parasoft> Preferences.
  2. Select Continuous Testing Platform on the left, and enter the connection URL for your server. The protocol, machine name, and port are required. In addition, you need to enter any path parameters preceding /em. For example, if the CTP Server is located at, the Server URL field should contain (without the ‘em’ suffix).

  3. Enable Notify CTP of virtual asset deployment.
  4. If your CTP administrator has configured security for your CTP installation, you also need to enter a valid username and password (preferably with an admin role).
  5. Click the Test Connection button to verify correct settings.
  6. Click OK to save.
  7. If the Virtualize Server is not already running, start it now.
  8. Open CTP in a browser, then open the Service Virtualization module.
  9. Confirm that the Virtualize Server listed in the tree without the Status of Offline or Error

You can now manage the Virtualize Server with CTP. Whenever you deploy a new virtual asset, re-deploy an existing one, or modify a message proxy, Virtualize will update CTP.

Integrating SOAtest Server with CTP

Connecting SOAtest to CTP is required for:

A SOAtest "Server API Enabled" license is required to connect to CTP.

To connect a SOAtest Server to CTP:

  1. In your SOAtest Server, choose Parasoft> Preferences.
  2. Select Continuous Testing Platform on the left, and enter the connection URL for your server. The protocol, machine name, and port are required. In addition, you need any path parameters preceding /em. For example, if the CTP Server is located at, the Server URL field should contain (without the ‘em’ suffix). 
  3. If your CTP administrator has configured security for your CTP installation, you also need to enter a valid username and password (preferably with an admin role).
  4. Click the Test Connection button to verify correct settings.
  5. Click OK to save.
  6. Start the server:
  7. Open CTP in a browser, then open the API Testing module.
  8. Confirm that the SOAtest Server listed in the tree without the Status of Offline or Error.

Before you can access the .tst files on this server from CTP, you need to add them to the TestAssets folder as follows (Test assets must be in this specific folder in order for CTP to access them):

  1. On the SOAtest Server that you just connected to CTP, create a project named TestAssets (if it does not already exist).
  2. Copy (or drag and drop) any test assets that are associated with the test scenarios you want to launch from CTP. This can include .tst files, data sources, keystores, and so on. .tst files should have already been configured so that test assets that are referenced via relative paths.
  3. To confirm that .tst files are accessible from CTP, open CTP and  go to the API Testing module. You should see the test assets from your TestAssets folder.